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1. Ramsey Mosheh


We are adhering to the chief rabbi’s call so bless us God

2. Louey Simon


The lamed vav tzaddikim should select 2000 true tzadikkim to travel abroad and go door to door to each Jewish home and speak at each shul and surely each Jewish household about returning to Israel. Words that come from the heart enter the heart. They can also locate the lost tribes and bring them home too of course.
On a side note- there are 36 lamed vav who themselves do not know they are lamed vav. Maybe you met one and they didn’t wear a kippah or dress according to your modesty standards or ever heard of Hashem. Never know who you meet.

3. Louey Simon


Why only Jews with yirat whatever? Shouldn’t the call be to each and every Jew?

4. Yehudit


The images we see of Jews fleeing and of tremendous destruction – did those Jews think that their lives could change so drastically in one short week?!

Take this lesson to heart. Don’t wait to come to Israel or you too will come with only the clothes on your back and a suitcase. Rabbi Arush has said in the past that the day will come when Jews will be lucky to escape with a plastic bag with their toothbrush.

What’s happening now in the Ukraine can happen anywhere.

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