1. Sarah Rivka :) 2/02/2014 Mazel tov…. …Your article made it into my edition of a blog carnival! 🙂 http://foodiscoveryblog.blogspot.com/2014/01/foodiscovery-presents-batya-medads.html Hi, Rebbetzin! 🙂 I miss you and B'erot! How are you and the school?
2. Sarah Rivka :) 2/02/2014 …Your article made it into my edition of a blog carnival! 🙂 http://foodiscoveryblog.blogspot.com/2014/01/foodiscovery-presents-batya-medads.html Hi, Rebbetzin! 🙂 I miss you and B'erot! How are you and the school?
Mazel tov…. …Your article made it into my edition of a blog carnival! 🙂 http://foodiscoveryblog.blogspot.com/2014/01/foodiscovery-presents-batya-medads.html Hi, Rebbetzin! 🙂 I miss you and B'erot! How are you and the school?
…Your article made it into my edition of a blog carnival! 🙂 http://foodiscoveryblog.blogspot.com/2014/01/foodiscovery-presents-batya-medads.html Hi, Rebbetzin! 🙂 I miss you and B'erot! How are you and the school?