Acorn Squash and Lentil Salad
A perfect dairy salad that’s not only nutritious, but also appealing to the eye. Try this salad when you want a switch from holiday meat dishes.

I happened to get a couple of acorn squash recently and remembered my fabulous squash chips and decided they would make the perfect topping for a salad along with roasted acorn squash seeds, lentils, and a sprinkling of cheese.
There is nothing like using the entire vegetable and acorn squash seeds taste even better than pumpkin seeds, their oversized orange cousins. All you have to do is remove the seeds, clean and dry, toss with a drop of butter or margarine and salt and roast at 375 for about 10 minutes. Set aside. Roast thinly sliced acorn squash chips. Cook the lentils, my favorite are the French green lentils, and then layer your salad with a simple Dijon mustard vinaigrette. Top with a sprinkling of your favorite cheese, like goat or feta, and have a perfect fall salad. I’ll be rooting for you every step of the way!
Baking Time: 40 minutes
Preparation Time: 20 minutes
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Kashrut Type: Dairy
(Yields 2 servings)
½ acorn squash and acorn squash seeds
1 cup green lentils
2 bunches arugula
1 ounce cheese of choice
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons white wine vinegar
1 teaspoon mustard
½ teaspoon honey
Salt and pepper to taste
1. Preheat oven to 350.
2. Cut squash and remove seeds.
3. Wash the seeds, strain and place on a baking pan with 1 teaspoon oil or butter and a little salt. Roast for about 10 minutes. Allow to cool.
4. Bring up temperature of the oven to 400.
5. Slice squash thin and mix with just enough oil to coat, then add a sprinkling of salt. Place on parchment paper on baking sheet, don’t overlap. Roast for about 20 minutes, turning pieces over half way through. Remove from heat.
6. Meanwhile, bring 1 cup of lentils and 2½ cups water to a boil then simmer for 20-25 minutes until soft, but not mushy. (I prefer the green French lentils for salads.) Drain and mix with some salt to taste and set aside to cool.
1. Mix all ingredients in a jar or whisk in bowl.
2. When ready to serve, lay lettuce on plate, top with lentils, then the dressing, then the squash chips and seeds and a sprinkling of cheese. Enjoy.
Jamie Geller is one of the most sought-after Jewish food and lifestyle experts worldwide. She is the bestselling author of 5 books and founder of Kosher Network International, publisher of JamieGeller.com featuring more than 10,000 recipes, articles, and videos. Check out her new #1 Amazon Bestseller, Brisket 101 and her new family meal plan “Fresh Families” at FreshFamilies.us.