Love Comes First
We must make it a priority to pray for 30 minutes a day for ahavat Yisrael – that everyone should love each other! Rabbi Arush explains simple bullet points how to pray.

In Do Not Fall Back to Sleep, I discussed some general ideas of what to pray for during this half hour. Here are some more practical ideas to pray over.
Don’t feel bad repeating them over and over again. You aren’t here to convince G-d – He already wants to give us every good in the world, and He wants us to love each other. You are here just to build vessels, which are the words of the prayer, which create containers that G-d then fills with His bounty!
Pray that every single Jew should return in complete repentance before G-d, and specifically do teshuva for the positive commandment of ahavat Yisrael, loving our fellow Jews, as well as for the commandment to love your fellow like yourself, and all of the commandments bein adam l’chavero, between man and fellow man.
Pray that everyone should also learn about praying this all-important 30 minutes a day, and do it too!
Pray that everyone should read, learn, understand, work on, fulfill, and teach others all of the emuna teachings – the books, booklets, CDs, website articles, videos, etc. And specifically:
Pray that every single Jew and every single person should read The Garden of Emuna, and receive the skills and practical tools that they need to live a happy and fulfilled life, and specifically, to strengthen their emuna in order to properly fulfill all of the commandments between man and fellow man.
Pray that everyone who is married or looking to be married should read The Garden of Peace and The Garden of Purity (for men) or Women’s Wisdom (for women), and husband and wife should live in love and peace with each other.
Pray that every parent and every teacher should read The Garden of Education in order to truly educate their children and pupils with love, and that those children should grow up to be emotionally healthy loving adults, who treat others with honor and respect.
And so on and so forth! You can pray over all of my books in this manner.
Pray that all the teachers, Rabbis and Rebbes, and Admorim, and anyone and everyone who has influence over other people – that all of them should also learn about the critical importance of loving each other, and pray this 30 minutes a day, and teach others to do the same as well.
The key is to pray on every facet that is necessary so that every single person should properly fulfill the commandments between man and fellow man, to recognize that the entire Torah stands on ahavat Yisrael and that it is not just “another mitzvah,” to strengthen their emuna in order to actually fulfill these oftentimes difficult commandments properly, and that they too should have true ahavat Yisrael, that they too should pray for the Jewish people and the world for 30 minutes a day to love each other and treat each other with honor and respect.
I want your name on the list! And for each and every name that I receive, I will pray for them!
If you have decided to join Rabbi Arush in praying for the Jewish people for half an hour every day, you can send your name (name and your mother’s name format) to Yael Tzarum and she will forward your name to Rabbi Arush to pray for you. Reach her at: yael@breslev.co.il.
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