The Power of Thoughts
One should protect his mind from impure thoughts, for all actions derive from our thoughts. Just as transgressions are the result of evil thoughts...

Wretched Moments
At the wretched moments of our existence, when we are in trouble, the evil instinct takes advantage of the situation, attacking with all its force. In such moments we must be prudent and extremely vigilant.
True Understanding
When we are angry, let’s not act cruelly! Rather, let’s transform our anger into mercy; be conciliatory towards the person who has irritated us. In this way, we well make our mind receptive to the words of the Sages, and we will truly understand what they meant.
Remain Indifferent
Bad ideas are persistent: they come once, twice, three times and more. They insist. If one turns his back on them, they disappear. The best method is to ignore them, not to pay attention to them, so that you so not take fright. Rather, remain indifferent.
If we have tasted the delights of Torah, the light will never go out. This radiance will sustain us evening the darkest moments, if we make the effort to remember and convince ourselves that the inspiration will return. The most important thing is to be optimistic. If we fall, let us strengthen ourselves by remembering the best moments of our past.
Heroism is in the heart. If your heart is strong, you fear no man or thing. You can perform formidable exploits, wage war, conquer, and throw yourself into the fiercest battles. This is the way in which we must serve God.
The Power of Thought
One should protect his mind from impure thoughts, for all actions derive from our thoughts. Just as transgressions are the result of evil thoughts, so their rectification consists simply of rejecting evil thoughts. A man who keeps a check on his thoughts redresses any evil that he might have done. The effort is not inordinate, because we can only have one thought in our mind at a time! When an evil idea occurs to us, we can suppress it immediately through a good image. This is like a horse that is led back to the road by a slight pull on its reins.
Thirst for Knowledge
Do you seek explanation? Gladden your soul and comfort your heart with the wondrous writing of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, the Arizal, and all those who revealed to the world the inner splendor of our Holy Torah.
It is worthwhile to make efforts to evade the cloudy philosophies based only on poor mortal experience. Intellectual speculations cannot sustain a person in times of trouble; they cannot bring him to achieve true harmony in his existence. It conceals traps that cannot be detected and that instill into our heart the poison of doubts, without our realizing it.
Happy is he who walks in the path of our teachers; those who did not give free rein to their minds, but humbly submitted to the Almighty in order to gain the upper wisdom and to transmit to us joy, strength and life.
Good-hearted Words
There are fallen souls that need to be revived with all kinds of comforting balms. One who chases from his mind impure thoughts will find the way to comfort these weary souls, to revive them through seven kinds of good-hearted words.
(Used with permission from COURAGE by Israel Isaac Besancon. Published by Shir Chadash Publishers)
I have a question on “what is the seven kinds of good hearted words” I was inquiring about this aritcle, what does “There are fallen souls that need to be revived with all kinds of comforting balms. One who chases from his mind impure thoughts will find the way to comfort these weary souls, to revive them through seven kinds of good-hearted words.” From Rabbi Israel Isaac Besancon ” in Power of thoughts”
(Used with permission from COURAGE by Israel Isaac Besancon. Published by Shir Chadash Publishers)
I was inquiring about this aritcle, what does “There are fallen souls that need to be revived with all kinds of comforting balms. One who chases from his mind impure thoughts will find the way to comfort these weary souls, to revive them through seven kinds of good-hearted words.” From Rabbi Israel Isaac Besancon ” in Power of thoughts”
(Used with permission from COURAGE by Israel Isaac Besancon. Published by Shir Chadash Publishers)