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When anyone, even a person lying at the bottom-most rung of the ladder, in the mire, wishes to pull himself up even a little, he will find himself...

In the Mire
When anyone, even a person lying at the bottom-most rung of the ladder, in the mire, wishes to pull himself up even a little, he will find himself pitched against strong opposition.
This principle also applies to those who have already progressed. Sometimes, they commit the error of being demoralized when they find themselves once again in the face of obstructions. They think that they have regressed. In truth, this is in no way a fall. Since they have come to the threshold of the next rung of the ladder, they must transverse a crisis, be tested. They must disregard all, and they will overcome these difficulties and be able to ascend to the next level.
Our forefathers had to struggle in order to enter the Land of Israel… The most difficult thing to bear was the mockery of the cynics who tried to discourage them, to turn them aside from their ideal. The same is true with any other lofty goal: mockers, envious persons, and scoffers will surely try to put us down by communicating to us their skepticism: Let’s just ignore their remarks.
New Energy
In order to overcome the obstacles, to surmount the confusion, excellent advice would be to give charity to the sincere Torah students who go without for the sake of their studies.
By the power of association, the donator will benefit from the virtues that characterize the people who received his donation and thus acquire new energy.
Wisdom is accorded as a gift to the one who brings lost souls back to the Torah, and in this way he atones for his youthful transgressions.
Whatever Our Value
We shall never say, “Who am I to trust in God and hope that He will save me, I who am so debased. . .” On the contrary, we shall rely with all our heart on His loving kindness, whatever our feeling of self-worth. By the simple act of trusting in Him, we are preparing a vessel into which He will shower His blessings.
(Used with permission from COURAGE by Israel Isaac Besancon. Published by Shir Chadash Publishers)
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