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1. Tamar Becker


I made aliyah 32 years ago. Like Rachel Avrahami, I came alone with no support network. The Keneset had just cancelled IAI Lavi project, which effectively flooded the job market – and here I come with my poor Hebrew skills! Nonetheless, I found work relatively quickly in a hi-tech company in the Galilee.


My boss made a statement that is truer today than 32 years ago: "We can take someone who doesn't know Hebrew – no problem. But, he absolutely must know English!" Even someone who knows Hebrew but no English would not be hired! Companies nowadays are international – English is a MUST.


I liquidated all investments in the States and transfered them to kosher accounts in Israel. [Kosher accounts are accounts that have been certified by Bedatz Eida Chareidit that they do not violate Shabbat and ribbit halachot. There might be other halachot that they are now checking as well. The kosher investment possibilities have expanded over the years as religious people get more involved in financial investments.]


Right now the American housing market is a seller's market. The stock market is up with the promise of a Covid vaccine. This might be the last window of opportunity to liquidate and move everything over here. The galut is wrapping up. Better to come now on your own terms than to come in a rushed exit, as Rabbi Arush alluded to.


All practicalities aside, there is no place like Eretz Yisrael to strengthen your connection to Hashem. Looking back over the last 32 years, I can see that without doubt, I never would have made the spiritual gains in chutz l'aretz that I made in Eretz Yisrael. Hashgacha pratit (Divine Intervention) is so obvious here – read about my experiences in The Real Boss, What's an Old Lady Doing Here?,  and A Few Steps Ahead. Eretz Yisrael is a place where you LIVE your emuna.


Do your neshama an eternal favor – make aliyah. We're waiting here to welcome you!

2. Shmuel


Because of the Corona lockdown in nursing homes, you can't see and visit them anymore. So you might as well make aliya because you can manage their care from Israel as well as you can from there.


No difference between here and there – and no excuse anymore not to come!



If you notice in Rabbi Arush's article Stay Put – For Now, there, years ago, Rabbi Arush told people to stay put if they needed to take care of elderly parents.


Now, Rabbi Arush says that if you have a family, the time to come is NOW, and then transfer your parents after you ASAP. It's an important change that is worth noting.

4. Shmuel


Don't be the proverbial frog in the pot of boiling water! And don't hope to get out at the last minute in your PJs! You see that it's already getting harder to come. Start getting ready!

All I know, is that I've been here 14 years now and Rabbi Arush is right, I don't want to go back to where I came from for anything, not even a trip. I've called LA "HELL-A" for a long time – with the recent jump in the homicide rate etc etc I am being proven right…

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