You Can Save Lives!

You don’t have to be a medic. You don’t have to know CPR. It’s so easy to join the revolution, one person at a time, one life at a time…

4 min

Rabbi Shalom Arush

Posted on 16.05.23

I want to tell you a few stories that just came to me this week,  Parshat  Bereishit  5781 about the power of the book The Garden of Peace: 


  1. The SMS Mistake 

One day about 6 months ago, someone who has read my books got a strange SMS message, clearly by mistake. The message was from a husband, instructing his wife to come at such and such time to the Beit Din in order to receive her get – her Jewish divorce from her husband. The man thought about it for a minute, and wrote him a message back, explaining that he had received the message clearly intended for this man’s wife by mistake. He told him, “Listen, there is this incredible book called The Garden of Peace. It’s a shame to divorce without giving it a chance! Read the book, follow the advice and you’ll for sure have marital peace! You must try it.” 

The husband about to divorce his wife gets this message in return. He thinks to himself, “How is it possible that the SMS didn’t go to my wife? This isn’t even the same number! It must be hashgacha pratit – Divine Guidance. What do I stand to lose? I’ll try it.” 

About 6 months later, he sends an SMS back to the original man to tell him, “I took your advice, I’ve read the book 3 times already, and now I really do live in peace with my wife! Thank you!” And he also came to me, to say thank you.  


  1. My Student Knocked on the Door Just in Time 

A student of mine also just told me this story. This student knocks on doors every afternoon, teaching people emuna and giving them my books. He knocked on a particular door, and a man opens the door. The man explains that he is scheduled to go to the Beit Din to give his wife a gett in just a few hours. My student was shocked and said, “Please, let me in. I think I can help you! Don’t destroy your home!” Indeed, they sat together a few hours and my student talked to him about his problems and gave him The Garden of Peace. He agreed to cancel the appointment, start speaking to Hashem, and give his marriage a second chance. 


  1. Prayer and Patience Turn Everything Around 

Some months ago, a man came to me for advice. He had started to return to Hashem and keep more and more mitzvot, but his wife wasn’t on board. In fact, she was totally against everything. Oy va voy if he said one word about Torah or mitzvot in her presence… 

He was being told by everyone that he had no choice but to divorce her. He had already given her some time and nothing had changed. Before he went to the Beit Din, he came for my opinion. 

I told him, “G-d forbid, don’t divorce her! Pray for her!” I gave him The Garden of Peace and explained to him that Hashem will surely enable his wife to turn around for the better at the right time. Right now, Hashem is using her as a stick to force him to work on himself. He just needs to follow the advice in the book and pray for her, and be patient. 

He called me back this week with the good news! His wife suddenly started keeping Shabbat, bought tzitzit for their son and much more! It all turned around for the best. 


What Do We Learn from these Stories? 

We can save families! We can save marriages and children! Every single man must read The Garden of Peace, whether or not he is married! Why do we need to have such a divorce rate? Why do we need singles who can’t find their soulmates? (read Your Soulmate – GuaranteedRead the book! Make it into a workbook, follow the advice and have a beautiful life! 

We can save lives! What miracle stories have I heard about people saying my prayer before Asher Yatzar and being healed! If you are healthy, Baruch Hashem, say it once a day and protect your health! If you are ill, say the prayer each time you use the bathroom. 

A nurse from the hospital in Tzvat called me this week, saying that she gives people in the hospital the booklets, CDs and the Asher Yatzar prayer. She said that she is full of stories, even just from this week! Someone who was in the ICU, this nurse gave her the prayer and her condition improved beyond the doctor’s wildest dreams and she left the ICU in a short time. She begged me to come to the hospital for a visit, everyone knows me there… 

This story should tell you not just the power of the books and the prayers, but also the incredible power of just one person with a desire to help other people. You can buy the booklets in bulk for inexpensive with maaser (tzedakah) money, and most people will happily pay something to take them from you. In this way, from the same original amount, you can continue to help hundreds of people.  

A lot of people tell me, “But I don’t know what to say.” You don’t have to say much, except the simple truth! You don’t need to know how to teach the books. Only to give them to people! Tell them, These books have helped thousands of people with their problems! They will certainly help you too! And if you want to practice a short story you have, even better. 

You can’t imagine the incredible merit of spreading emuna 


You can easily arrange either for us to send you books, booklets or CDs at cost to give out to your friends, or to sponsor someone at the Yeshiva to distribute them for you. This includes people outside of Israel and you can choose the content you want to distribute (for instance, someone who wants to get married might distribute The Garden of Peace as a merit for them to find their soulmate, or The Garden of Education for someone who wants children, or The Garden of Healing for someone who needs healing – or 100 booklet versions of these books). 

– In Israel, call Freida at 054-224-0696. 

– In the US, call Rachel Avrahami at 1-626-200-1085 or send email to

– To donate, click here. 


Make your request of Hashem. Baruch Hashem, we’ve heard lots of stories of miracles of people who followed this advice. 

And the best part: When Mashiach comes, he will point at YOU and say, “In YOUR merit I am here!”  

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