We are all Family
If G-d is our loving Father in Heaven, then we are all brothers and sisters. Nothing brings a parent happiness like siblings treating each other with love and respect.

I want you to consider something. I have been talking a lot recently about how G-d is our loving Father in Heaven, who loves us more than we can ever imagine, and wants to give us everything we want – even more than we want it! We don’t have to beg, plead, threaten, or convince. We only have to pray with this simple emuna, that G-d already wants to give us, and we are here simply to connect to Him and create a big container to hold the blessings He wants to shower us with.
Let’s consider another angle of this truth. If G-d is our Father – then we are all brothers and sisters! And nothing makes a parent happier than seeing all of their children loving each other, being good to each other, and being at peace. Even if they don’t always agree, there is a basic respect that they share, and they make sure that there isn’t fighting. And even if one is making a mistake, still they are nice to each other, and at the very least praying for one another.
Moreover, parents like to encourage their children to get along. Children who give in to the other, who help one another, who treat their siblings with respect, etc. often get prizes, treats, etc. to encourage both that child to continue, and the others to follow in their ways. Hashem is no different! When we love each other, when we don’t speak badly about one another, hate each other, or fight – we are the ones who benefit first and foremost.
Don’t forget that the basis of love, happiness and peace is emuna. Those who ask me “How do I love someone who has hurt me, or is fighting with me?” clearly haven’t read The Garden of Emuna. Otherwise, they would already understand that to hate the stick that hits them is simply foolish – instead, see who is wielding the stick, which is G-d Himself. Hence, emuna is not only the basis of all good character traits, but it is also the basis of being able to love everyone. Only when you realize that in the end all and be all, no one can do anything to you – everyone is just a messenger from G-d, can you love everyone, even those who are hurting you or fighting with you.
However, I have also been receiving a second type of question: How is it possible to love people who are truly evil? What about people who are spreading lies and rumors about tzaddikim, for instance? Or people who are acting against the Torah?
Really, the answer to this question is just an extension of the answer to the first question. Someone who harms you personally, you have to recognize that it is Hashem who did that to you, for some eternal good that you don’t currently understand, and there is an important message for you sent with love by G-d, who wants to bring you closer to Him. Just as someone who hurts you, insults you or does something else bad to you is just a stick of Hashem, so too, these people are also sticks of a different sort. They are sticks against the Jewish people as a whole, instead of against an individual. They also come to awaken us to an important point that Hashem is trying to teach us, to inspire us to do teshuva, and to make us suffer as an atonement for our sins.
In both cases, the people involved are doing something wrong – without question. The answer comes through recognizing that they are doing what they are doing because they simply don’t know any better! Just a great pity. He is even more pitiful, since G-d chose him to be His stick to do evil in the world. Therefore, not only should you not hate him – but you have to have even more mercy for him. Not only is he clueless about the truth, but he is in that terrible class of “G-d brings sins through sinners.”
You must pray for him, that G-d should have mercy on him and teach him the truth, and return him in teshuva. Look at him just as you look at some poor homeless person on the street begging for a handout. After all, the Torah teaches that real poverty is not someone who lacks money, but rather, someone who lacks daat (holy knowledge).
Another point to realize just how pitiful these people are, is to know that ultimately, they only hurt themselves. No one can truly hurt you. Everything that happens comes from the decree of Hashem, in His mercy. But these people do hurt themselves – their lives are a living Hell already in this world, forget about what awaits them in the Next World. If someone who loves everyone else is the truly happy person, who has all the real good and riches in this world – then someone who hates others, hurts others, fights against the truth and hates the Torah and the tzaddikim – he is the truly pitiful, cursed person. They have never tasted the sweetness of a connection to G-d, to holiness and purity, to truth – hence, they end up the way they are.
Therefore, the real solution is teaching others emuna, enabling them to taste the sweetness of Torah, of truth, of a deep and loving connection to G-d. This is the ultimate way to help others, the pinnacle of loving everyone. Help them live a sweeter, happier, more fulfilling life! Give them The Garden of Emuna, give them The Garden of Miracles – Say Thank You and See Miracles. Pass on this article, or a video, or an emuna post on social media.
We have to get used to thinking about the people around us differently. To treat them with the same love that we feel for ourselves, with the same willingness to forgive and move forward. We have to pray and practice changing the way we think, the way we feel and the way we react. In this way, we move the knowledge that we need to love others from the brain into the heart, so that now we can actually act differently.
Next, we need to bring that new love into positive actions of love and kindness. This is teaching others emuna! Teaching others to love everyone! Teaching others to recognize that everything comes from G-d Himself whatever form the messenger might take, and to thank Him because it simply must be good! In this way, you don’t just give someone their next meal or some pocket money. You give them knowledge. You give them truth. You give them daat. And as I am constantly saying, “If you have daat, what do you lack? And if you do not have daat, then what do you have? In this way, you give them the key to happiness, the key to a life that is rich both in money and meaning, the key to every salvation that they need. You literally save them from suffering and death, in this world and the next! You also save their families, and their children for all generations. What could be greater love and kindness than that?!
Therefore, get on board the train! Say right now, “I love everyone!
The most important thing is peace!” Next stop – the full Redemption!
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