Prayer of thanks is never “wrong”, but what you’re saying isn’t the Asher Yatzar prayer.
2. Batya Betty Palmer
I say a short version of this prayer to myself;
Baruch atah Adonoy, Elohenu melach haolam
Rofeh haolam,ew mafliah laasot.
Is this wrong, or okay because I am a woman?
3. Breslev Staff
Yes, Martin, the translation is fine!
4. Martin
Dear Rabbi, I m using this English translation for a while. Is it PROPER one? Sincerely, Martin "Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the Universe, who has formed man in wisdom, and created within him numerous orifices and cavities. It is revealed and known, before the Throne of Your Glory that if but one of them were to be blocked or one of them were to be opened, it would be impossible to exist for even a short while. Blessed are You, Lord, who heals all flesh and performs wonders."
5. Naftali
Excellent question, Ms. Hannah! No, it wouldn't be appropriate to add "v'haChavah", because the word "ha'adam" is being used by our Sages to refer to people in general, in a gender-neutral way, and not to Adam Harishon, the first man. No male chauvinism here!
6. Yehudit
Thanks, Hannah, for your insightful question! The word "haadam" in the blessing refers not to the first man but to all people, male and female. So, to add "ve Chava" would be superfluous. It would be like saying "… Who created all people and women…" (as if Chava – and thereby also women- are not people too).
7. Hannah
Shalom Rabbi Thank you! Is it permitted to add ve haChava after haAdam in the blessing? Have a wonderful day! Hannah
Prayer of thanks is never “wrong”, but what you’re saying isn’t the Asher Yatzar prayer.
I say a short version of this prayer to myself;
Baruch atah Adonoy, Elohenu melach haolam
Rofeh haolam,ew mafliah laasot.
Is this wrong, or okay because I am a woman?
Yes, Martin, the translation is fine!
Dear Rabbi, I m using this English translation for a while. Is it PROPER one? Sincerely, Martin "Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the Universe, who has formed man in wisdom, and created within him numerous orifices and cavities. It is revealed and known, before the Throne of Your Glory that if but one of them were to be blocked or one of them were to be opened, it would be impossible to exist for even a short while. Blessed are You, Lord, who heals all flesh and performs wonders."
Excellent question, Ms. Hannah! No, it wouldn't be appropriate to add "v'haChavah", because the word "ha'adam" is being used by our Sages to refer to people in general, in a gender-neutral way, and not to Adam Harishon, the first man. No male chauvinism here!
Thanks, Hannah, for your insightful question! The word "haadam" in the blessing refers not to the first man but to all people, male and female. So, to add "ve Chava" would be superfluous. It would be like saying "… Who created all people and women…" (as if Chava – and thereby also women- are not people too).
Shalom Rabbi Thank you! Is it permitted to add ve haChava after haAdam in the blessing? Have a wonderful day! Hannah