Love Everyone
Loving everyone – you cannot understand what a revolution this will be for the Jewish people and the entire world!

Loving everyone – you cannot understand what a revolution this will be for the Jewish people, and the entire world!
I need everyone to help me! We must all join together. We must spread the message: “I love every Jew. I love everyone!“
Say “I love everyone” and you’ll see salvations. You will merit honor in this world, and life in the Next World.
There is nothing that makes Hashem happier than what we just said – to be very strong to love everyone.
A person’s primary work is to work on this trait [in prayer], especially during this terribly difficult period that the world is going through. So many have not survived. Anyone who did not prepare themselves, and work on their emuna, cannot stand the tests and trials of this situation.
But certainly, anyone who had the merit to strengthen their emuna, and go in the way of prayer and hitbodedut (personal prayer), and have been working on themselves in prayer – this period has been very pleasant, sweet and easy.
If you know that your friend always says shalom – “hello” to you, you try to say “hello” to him. A poor person who has nothing, what can be stolen from him? If he says “hello” to you and you didn’t answer him. If someone says “hello” to someone else, and the other person does not respond with “hello,” he is called a thief!
If someone says to you “hello,“ respond to him “shalom u’vracha” – “hello and blessings.“ Always add more [blessing], and be the first to say “hello.”
[Translator’s Note: Although this is good even to do in English by saying “hello,” Rabbi Arush is specifically referring to saying “shalom” to other people in Hebrew, even non-Jews. Read more about this idea in Pray for Others First.]
Therefore, every prayer ends with praying for peace. In the Blessing after Meals (Birkat HaMazon), we pray, “make peace in the high places.” What is the blessing that Hashem blesses the Jewish people with? He blesses them with peace. G-d blesses His people with peace.
It should be G-d’s will that everyone should find their soulmate, and everyone should get married and have children, “sons to your sons, peace be upon Israel.“
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