Lettuce, Cherry Tomato, and Sweet Potato Salad
Want a colorful salad that will add zip to your meal? Breslev Israel's Yummy staff created this awesome salad. Get ready for second helpings and compliments.

Preparation Time: about 20 minutes
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Kashrut Type: Parve
Always, and especially now before the holidays when we are, thank G-d, blessed with abundant meals, we think about how to upgrade the table so that it won’t look like ‘just another meal’.
A talented group of Hebrew speakers from Breslev Israel created an interesting culinary surprise, full of color and flavors. This salad definitely meets the upgrade request and makes even a weekday table something interesting and intriguing. This recipe is also suitable as a meal in itself if you want to add bits of cheese, avocado, tuna, or anything else that suits your fancy.
Get ready for second helpings and compliments!
2-3 beautiful sweet potatoes, scrubbed clean and cut into cubes
olive oil – to be sprinkled on sweet potato
whole lettuce
purple cabbage (depending on the amount – quarter or half of a head)
cherry tomatoes
pitted black olives, cut up
5 tablespoons olive oil
5 tablespoons canola oil
1 tablespoon mustard
2 tablespoons of honey
2 tablespoons brown sugar
2 tablespoons of vinegar
black pepper
1. Place the sweet potato cubes in a tray lined with baking paper.
2. Drizzle the oil over the cubes, and then bake until browned.
3. Put the sweet potatoes aside to cool.
Put all the sauce ingredients in the bowl, and then mix well.
1. Cut the lettuce and cabbage into thin strips. Cut the cherry tomatoes, if large enough, into cubes, and put everything into a bowl.
2. Add the cooled baked sweet potatoes and black olives.
3. Add the sauce and stir.
Add croutons, cheese, avocado, tuna, or anything else that suits your fancy!
Bon appetit!
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