You Too Can Have a Purim MIRACLE
The days of Purim are awesome days, when every Jew can make decrees that G-d fulfills, and everything you request is guaranteed to be granted! Learn how!

It’s written in a Midrash that Moshe Rabbeinu said to G-d “Please forgive all the sins of the Jewish people” regarding the incident of them worshiping the Golden Calf. The Midrash says “If Moshe Rabbeinu would have said ‘please forgive all the sins of the Jewish people until the end of all time,’ it would have been done.” Why? Because it was an auspicious time. That is to say, that during an auspicious time, a person can do things above logic and above fate! If Moshe Rabbeinu, at that auspicious time, would have asked G-d to forgive in advance all the sins that the Jewish people would do from that moment up through the end of time, G-d would have granted Moshe Rabbeinu (and us all) that request. From here, we learn an important point about Purim, that Purim is a powerfully auspicious time…..not one hour…not two hours…but all 24 hours of Purim are very powerful.
The Arizal, the famed Kabbalist, writes that the day of Yom Kippur only approximates the greatness of Purim, Yom K’Purim, “a day like Purim,” because Purim is higher than Yom Kippur. Yom Kippur is repentance from fear, but Purim is repentance from love, which is a much higher level. Rabbi Yisroel of Rochin says that there’s a question of whether forgiveness of a person’s wrongdoings on Yom Kippur includes people who don’t actively do teshuva, people who don’t actively turn themselves around and make things right. Concerning Purim, however, it is universally agreed that all wrongdoings are atoned for, even for people who don’t actively attempt to make things right.
Chazal (the great sages of Judaism) say that on Purim, we must give charity to anyone who asks for it. So too, writes R’ Yisroel of Rochin, G-d also gives freely to anyone who asks without consideration of merit – according to the spiritual law that G-d treats us however we treat others. This applies not only to prayers and requests for things we need, but also for forgiveness of wrongdoings. If, on Purim, a person will just say to G-d “Master of the Universe, let me turn a new page. It’s written that all beginnings come from Purim…” It’s amazing! Ask G-d for forgiveness and atonement, even without doing teshuva…. on Purim, G-d will forgive you!
Rabbi Yeheskel writes about Purim that on this day, every Jew has the same power that the Kohen Gadol had inside the Holy of Holies on the day of Yom Kippur!
A person can merit to bask in the spiritual light of Mashiach during both Purim and Chanukah. The ‘Baal Amri Noam’ writes that on the days of Purim, there is a powerful radiance of Divine compassion and desire coming from Above, and all the worlds (this world as well as all the spiritual worlds) are full of joy and Divine will. And so on Purim it is very important to increase/enhance your prayers so that you can bring down miracles that are above nature, healing above nature! All above the limitations of the natural world.
On Purim, every Jew has the spiritual power to make decrees that will come true. It is said that whatever a Tzaddik (righteous person) decrees, G-d will fulfill. On Purim, every Jew, man and woman, can make decrees that G-d will fulfill.
Every Jew can make a decree to G-d: “Master of the Universe, I decree that person X will be healthy/healed, that person Y will find their marriage partner quickly, etc…”
To know that Purim is a time where a Jew can make decrees! To know that on Purim there are no gates that are closed! A person can decree good decrees, and nullify bad decrees. You have a decree/situation of poverty? Pray that you will have a decree of abundance, of good income.
And of course don’t only think about material needs and desires…think about countering all the negative inclinations that we have – the distractions, the lusts – the things that make it difficult to be the kind of people we really want to be. Battle these with your whole heart.
Rabbi Levi Yitzhak of Berdichev gives a parable about these 2 days: a king that opens his treasury once a year, for all who want to take from it to come and take. And woe to the fool who, on this day that the King’s treasury is open for the taking, does not come to the King. Don’t be such a fool!
Take time to pray starting NOW: “Master of the universe, give me the merit to take advantage of these days of Purim. Always give me the merit to be involved in prayer and hitbodedut, to bring forth salvations. But on Purim, be compassionate to me, that you will make me healthy and strong, and that I will have the merit to fulfill all of the mitzvot of Purim properly, and particularly give me the strength, longing and will, with which I can achieve engaging for hours in prayer, and bringing forth miracles!”
Don’t forget – all 3 days of Purim have the same power to achieve miracles! I always suggest 6 hours of personal prayer especially on the Fast of Esther, and preferably on each of the other 2 days as well. Either way, push yourself to do as much as you can! And if you don’t live in Jerusalem, don’t forget that Shushan Purim is still Purim – and even better, you have much more time! Spend as much time as you can praying!
Also this year especially – please, I beg you – spend less time praying for your personal needs, and pray for the Redemption! Pray that everyone should start learning the truth and learn emuna, and that everyone should learn about Hashem. Pray that everyone should start speaking to Hashem in personal prayer, and do a daily spiritual accounting. Pray that everyone should do teshuva, especially the mitzvot with our fellow.
Pray that the Redemption should come now, with mercy, and that everyone should live to see Mashiach – everyone together under the Kingdom of G-d.
It is also important to give the customary half-shekel – which is equivalent to 26 Israeli shekels for each member of the family. When you give the charity, say “I’m giving this charity to remember the half-shekel. May it be your will that the Beit HaMikdash will be built and I will have the merit of giving this charity in it.” Give it now – no need to wait until Purim day. I highly recommend giving it to my Yeshiva, so that you get the extra merit of spreading emuna with your charity money. You can donate online, call us: 1-866-978-8470, or call the Editor directly: 1-626-200-1085.
You can also have the incredible merit of supporting poor Torah scholars in Jerusalem, which has a high priority in terms of allocating charity, even if you don’t live here – please donate generously for your Purim matanot l’evyonim (gifts to the poor) and it’s not too early – we are already raising funds for our huge Passover food distribution. Donations can be arranged easily in advance, in monthly payments, to make it easier for you.
VERY IMPORTANT! Please read Rabbi Arush’s incredible guide of how to maximize this jam-packed day and do each of the commandments properly! Click Prepare for Success!
Translated in the merit of Esther bat Massouda a”h
So grateful to the Rov for his Torah teachings that truly inspire and elevate. Thank you!
Purim Samayach. May all that you decree come true to benefit klal Yisrael. Amen
For sure its wonderful to use the opportunity of the gift of Purim,it can be so confusing about it,because it looks like a holiday full of gashmiut eat drink,mishloah its material but on the other hand it opens gates to greet and give to each other,i believe we need to all improve the mitzvots ben adam le havero,sinat china its what its holding the geula