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1. Shmuel


Because of the Corona lockdown in nursing homes, you can't see and visit them anymore. So you might as well make aliya because you can manage their care from Israel as well as you can from there.


No difference between here and there – and no excuse anymore not to come!

2. Yossi


Why the switch? After years of comments like "Jews in America will be lucky to make it out with a tooshbrush and the clothes on their back" and "get out now"…. Now it's "stay put"?? Really? What changed? Don't say this has been the message all along. I'm sure everyone who frequents this site would agree that the "leave" message is 100 times louder than the "stay"… until now, that is.

The Rav Shlit'a never switched, Yossi. This article is specifically for those people who are in a circumstance that totally prevents them from making Aliya at this time. The "leave" message is as loud as ever. Therefore one who stays behind in the meanwhile must mobilize in being a shaliach for spreading emuna. Blessings, the Editor

3. Yossi


After years of comments like "Jews in America will be lucky to make it out with a tooshbrush and the clothes on their back" and "get out now"…. Now it's "stay put"?? Really? What changed? Don't say this has been the message all along. I'm sure everyone who frequents this site would agree that the "leave" message is 100 times louder than the "stay"… until now, that is.

The Rav Shlit'a never switched, Yossi. This article is specifically for those people who are in a circumstance that totally prevents them from making Aliya at this time. The "leave" message is as loud as ever. Therefore one who stays behind in the meanwhile must mobilize in being a shaliach for spreading emuna. Blessings, the Editor

4. Channa


Making the Aaliyah….from one family, to another. Making the return home, is a now. Choice, you see amarica, is a much "easier" life, with all it's comforts, car, home, even clothing. Food is more costly here. In the land of milk and honey. I love Israel, my nefesh loves home, but the day to day….omg! Energy here is on 220. Much higher, hustle and bustle, life… You feel it, do I have regrets, yes. But only because I miss abba home by 6. He's always stressed, nervous… I haven't exactly found myself, mother of four. One 16, three under 3.

5. Channa


Making the return home, is a now. Choice, you see amarica, is a much "easier" life, with all it's comforts, car, home, even clothing. Food is more costly here. In the land of milk and honey. I love Israel, my nefesh loves home, but the day to day….omg! Energy here is on 220. Much higher, hustle and bustle, life… You feel it, do I have regrets, yes. But only because I miss abba home by 6. He's always stressed, nervous… I haven't exactly found myself, mother of four. One 16, three under 3.

6. Rivkah


thank you Thank you for your words…because of your recent messages my family is getting our house in order.In just a short time Hashem has helped us pay off two debts and soon G-d willing a third will follow. It is nothing short of a miracle. Nothing is impossible or too big…with Hashem's help….praying that all who long to go home find their way.

7. Rivkah


Thank you for your words…because of your recent messages my family is getting our house in order.In just a short time Hashem has helped us pay off two debts and soon G-d willing a third will follow. It is nothing short of a miracle. Nothing is impossible or too big…with Hashem's help….praying that all who long to go home find their way.

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