Articles on "Simchat Torah"

Guide for Sukkot

“You shall dwell in booths for a seven-day period so that your generations will know that I caused the Children of Israel to dwell in booths when I took them."

Sweet Erosion

Our sins cover our soul so that we cannot access Hashem easily. Teshuva slowly removes the grim on our souls. On Simchat Torah, we rejoice over the Torah because it is such a joy to be so close to G-d! 

Simchat Torah: The Magnitude of Torah

For Simchat Torah - The Torah is only the tip of an iceberg! Infinite knowledge can be gleaned from the Written Law through inference by applying the 13 rules of Biblical exegesis. And then there is midrashim, gematria, kabbalah, and even modern-day Bible Codes!