Happy New Year!
Celebrate New Years now? Yes! We have an amazing opportunity to renew our spiritual lives during this period.
Celebrate New Years now? Yes! We have an amazing opportunity to renew our spiritual lives during this period.
Everyone understands why adultery is a sin. But what's the big deal about socializing with, talking to, or looking at the opposite sex?
Time isn’t money – time is LIFE and life is precious because it is limited by definition. Don’t let it slip through your fingers!
If you don’t get out there and fight, you’re lost. This is the battle for the most important thing there could possibly be – YOUR MIND.
The truth is clear – Hashem hears our prayers, Hashem is with us, He’ll help us. But the truth is so incredible, it’s so awesome, that it’s too much for us to grasp…
Teshuva is a misunderstood concept. It not a social movement that applies only to those from non-observant backgrounds…
Why was Moses so terrified when his walking staff turned into a snake? He was in the wilderness for many years with snakes, lions, scorpions, and other perils…
What happens if a person is displeased with his children because they refuse to observe the Shabbat, go with him to the synagogue, or behave in a manner that he wants them to?
When we understand the teachings of Rebbe Nachman, we understand how politics, the media, and entertainment are full of licentiousness and insanity…
The six weeks of Shovevim is conducive to grow our personal holiness. What do we need to focus on during the weeks of Shovevim?
Do you remember Lenny Kravitz singing Guess Who's hit, "American Woman'? Here's the song again, after having been koshered by Racheli Reckles...
If a person maintains his joy in life, his setbacks will be short and minor and his ability to recover will be so strong that his setbacks will turn into triumphs...