Articles on "Messiah (Mashiach)"

To See Our Brothers and Sisters

The Jewish people around the world are suffering deeply, either from the tragedies of the massacre and ensuing war, or from rising antisemitism. Who can remain indifferent – but what can we do? Rabbi Arush gives two ways to help our brothers.

End the Shame

We don't need Mashiach to come to solve our problems. We need Mashiach to come so that Hashem's glory will be fully revealed and the desecration of His Name will end.

Hashem Signals our Settlers 

Often, when we look below the surface of what appears to be a dismal situation, we can find the hidden solution. So too, in our current situation in Eretz Yisrael, we see the glimmer of redemption!

Under the Cover of Darkness

In the Messianic era, support of Torah learning in Eretz Yisrael will dramatically increase. The economic situation will be able to easily handle this shift in national investments. How? Read on... 

Reject Outside Influences

In today's toxic environment, every mitzvah that you keep is extraordinarily precious! It gives Hashem tremendous gratification when you withstand the impure traits of the nations that surround you. 

For Gifts You Have to Work

It's not enough to continually ask, “When will Mashiach come”. Working on one’s emuna and and spreading it with family and friends  – that is  looking forward to the geula, and that is what brings Mashiach!

Keep Your Eyes Focused

What a stunning blow! And it came from out of nowhere! It didn't matter what happened. What mattered was how I refused to stop hating my brothers and sisters.