Articles on "Messiah (Mashiach)"

The Second Coming of Donald Trump

Donald Trump's Presidential Inaugural, 20-01-2025. We are looking in the wrong direction for our salvation. Donald Trump is not the savior of the Jewish People,and America is not Israel’s salvation. Our salvation is from Hashem, and our savior is Mashiach Ben David.

The Syria Surprise

We tried everything to eliminate the Assad regime in Syria: the Yom Kippur war, the wars in Lebanon, destruction of the Syrian nuclear weapons plant. After all this plus  years of civil war, Assad was still in power - he looked invincible! Then, in a matter of days, Hashem showed us Who rules over the kings of this world. 

Geula! [Q&A video]

Rabbi Arush explains how our lives would be different with the Beit HaMikdash. We cannot imagine the spiritual energy from the Temple! Never give up praying!

What is Hiding the Mashiach?

What will happen when the Mashiach is revealed? All Jews will immediately recognize him, believe in him, and follow him, right? Not so, says Rabbi Arush! What can we do to ensure that we’re one of Mashiach’s followers? 

Who Wants Mashiach – Yemot HaMashiach

Redemption is a long and sometimes difficult process, both on the personal level and on the national level. Redemption is the process of tikkun (rectification). Rabbi Arush explains what we can do to effect our personal redemption-before the Mashiach arrives.

Who Wants Mashiach?

We all want Mashiach! But what is the “Mashiach” that we’re praying for – someone to solve our personal problems and make life wonderful? Rabbi Arush gives clear guidance on what the Mashiach is really coming to do, and how we can hasten that day. A MUST READ!

Israel’s Blossoming Redemption

In the Days of Mashiach, Hashem will distract the world so that when Mashiach arrives. We're so busy focusing on social and political events in Eretz Yisrael that we might miss signs of unfolding redemption. We’re in for a beautiful surprise!  

The Easy Way to Remove the Evil Eye

Let's stop focusing on all the craziness and instead look at the endless salvations and good that happen to each of us and to the Jewish People. There is much that is good! The final redemption depends on our learning to sing and give thanks! 

To See Our Brothers and Sisters

The Jewish people around the world are suffering deeply, either from the tragedies of the massacre and ensuing war, or from rising antisemitism. Who can remain indifferent – but what can we do? Rabbi Arush gives two ways to help our brothers.