Where Do We Find the 7 Noahide Laws?
The Ten Commandments are clearly recorded in Shemot (Exodus 20:2 - 14), but what about the Seven Noahide Laws?
The Ten Commandments are clearly recorded in Shemot (Exodus 20:2 - 14), but what about the Seven Noahide Laws?
When God saved Noach and his family from the flood, He gave mankind the sign of the rainbow and seven mitzvot. These mitzvot are referred to as the "Sheva Mitzvot Bnei Noach," or the Noahide commandments. [Includes video of Chief Rabbi Lau blessing Bnei Noach community.]
The seven Noahide Laws are a continuation of a special chain of holiness that permeates creation, like a spiritual DNA based on the magical number seven…
The seventh Noahide Law is the prohibition against eating meat that was taken from an animal while it was still alive. This law has a profound effect on one’s spiritual health.
Courts of justice help us to internalize the abstract concept that there is a Creator Who is the ultimate Judge in charge of holding us accountable for following His laws.
Much like the prohibition against murder, the prohibition against theft establishes a basic boundary between human beings that allows for peace, for relationships to grow.
One is forbidden from helping another to end his or her life, even if the person, God forbid, is in enormous pain or is about to die. We are not to usurp the Creator…
At the heart of it, this commandment is about accepting that when things are not going our way from our perspective, they may be going our way from God’s perspective.
Idol worship is extremely common, even today. It is very easy for even an educated and God-fearing individual to break this commandment, like kissing the Blarney Stone...