King Solomon teaches that the war against the evil inclination is more challenging than any confrontation in the battlefield...
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People wonder all the time, “How do we possibly overcome the threat of radical Islam and global terror?” The answer is surprisingly simple...
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Vayakhel: Team of Two
Betzalel was intelligent, highly talented and a scion of the best family in Israel; so what does he need a partner like Oholiav for?
Vayakhel: Together, But Separate
There's much talk about gender separation both in the home and in the public domain. Is it necessary? Is it anything more than a needless stringency?
Ki Tisa: Mess of the Masses
The true motivation of the erev rav is to give a free reign to their base urges and appetites; not only that, but to legitimize them with legislation...
Ki Tisa: Visibility Unlimited
The sceptics who doubt our spiritual leaders are correct in one aspect – the considerations that go into their decisions aren't at all based on logic...
Tetzaveh: The Seeing Heart
People often interpret things the wrong way, for although their eyes can see, the heart doesn't properly comprehend what the eyes are seeing...
Tetzaveh: The Royal Garments
Peer and social pressure are like a fiery furnace; how did Hanania, Mishael, and Azaria react when they were sentenced to burn in the fiery furnace?
Terumah: The Secret of Jewish Unity
Why wait until the next war to strengthen Jewish unity? Who needs another war? There is a much better, safer and easier way of bringing about Jewish unity…
Yitro: The Point System
Everyone understands why adultery is a sin. But what's the big deal about socializing with, talking to, or looking at the opposite sex?
Yitro: The Super-Motivated
One woman wants to lose 50 pounds, another woman wants to fit into a size four, one man wants six-pack abs, but 99% of them never succeed. Why?
Yitro: Emuna and Geula
Why is emuna such a cogent mitzva, capable of invoking outright miracles and salvations that defy nature, logic and even human imagination?
Beshalach: The Silent Scream
Hashem is teaching us a lesson: "You don't need to cry out to Me within earshot of others; a silent scream from your heart is enough!"
Beshalach: The Power of Silence
Moses commands the Jewish People to be silent, for that way, Hashem will fight their battles for them. Does that principle still apply?
Beshalach: The Look of Love
A young man came to me complaining bitterly that his wife didn't love him or respect him. He asked my advice as to what he should do...
Bo: On the Edge of Oblivion
Hashem created the world with a perfect balance between good and evil to ensure the free choice of each individual; so, why did He strip Pharaoh of his free choice?
Bo: More Than A Good Heart
Many ask, "I have a good heart and am a decent human who tries to help those in need whenever I can. What do I need a bunch of strange rituals for?"
Pekudei: The Daily Inventory
The English expression of self-assessment is "taking stock in oneself". Where does this come from? The neighborhood grocer checks his stock every day...