A lot of Jews ask themselves, "What is Judaism? Is it a people or a religion? Is it a reason to schlep to synagogue twice a year?
Rabbi Rupp - Jacob's Ladder
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Let's ask some tough questions: what can we learn from the burning bush? Why a thorn bush? Why did it burn but it was not consumed?
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Ki Tisa: Drawing a Line in the Sand
For the average young American ambiguity and uncertainly seem constant. For the last fifty-some years, the soldiers of pluralism, liberalism...
Tetzaveh: Something Wicked
Were they stupid? Who would start a fight against God Himself? And yet Amalek did just that...
Terumah: Building a Dream Home
The entertainment industry has made millions selling the fabulous life of the American celebrity. Many shows report on the lifestyles...
Mishpatim: Look Before You Leap…Right?
When we trust Hashem, we find that it was not wrong or foolish to blindly accept those mitzvot we had not yet learned. “Buyer Beware” does not apply here.
Yitro: Becoming One
There is no union more beautiful or intimate than that which occurred at the base of Mt. Sinai. Rabbi Wolbe describes the giving of the Torah as the greatest...
Beshalach: Counting on a Miracle
Instead of looking online for miracles, let's reflect on the world around us rather than pass the day mindlessly in front of the boob-tube.
Pekudei: Vote of Confidence
We have the potential to go down in history as the source of clarity and light in a world filled with confusion and darkness. Our potential for elevation was established by our ancestors, and the tools to reach our goals are guaranteed by the Almighty.
Noach: Change the World
Shakespeare wrote, “All the world is a stage, and the men and women merely players.” Had a rabbi edited his work, the line would read...
Toldot: Open Your Eyes!
Although the newspapers report otherwise, blindness is one of the greatest problems facing contemporary society. Undiagnosed by sociologists...
Vayeitzei: What Dr. Atkins Didn’t Tell You
So while I agree with Dr. Atkins that physical health is related to one’s ability to refrain from certain foods, I came to realize...
Vayera: Lessons from the Beach
The moment I surfaced, I took the most delicious breath of sweet, fresh air that I have ever had. In my whole life, the hardest battle...
Vayikra: Get Up! Stand Up!
Of the 613 mitzvot that appear in the Torah, 246 of them appear in Vayikra, the book of Leviticus. Many of these mitzvot deal with...
Shmini: The Sound of Silence
The lights twinkled off in the distant cold night as I stood under the “Emergency Room” sign. Ambulances would rumble up from time to time...
Toldot: An Open Letter to Parents
Many people understand that God's Oneness is obvious and logical, yet would rather bury their head in the comfortable sand of familiarity...
Tzav: More Animal Than a Man
Every story has its beginning. Mine started on a sunny Sunday morning in the university's dining hall. My buddy and I were embarking on our...
Tazria Metzora: Sticks and Stones
'Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me'. If you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you...