We all want to live with what we know is true. But when push comes to shove, our behavior is often shaped by our emotions.
Rabbi Schallheim - David's Sling
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What does it take to be a leader? CEO's might earn millions of dollars, but it doesn't mean that they are true leaders...
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Vayakhel Pekudei: The Heart Counts
There are two types of givers: those “whose spirit moves them” to give wholeheartedly what they can afford, and an even nobler category of people “whose heart inspires them” to give more than they can afford.
Ki Tisa: The Golden Calf
One of the most disturbing incidents in the Torah is the sin of the Golden Calf. The generation that witnessed the Revelation of God’s...
Tetzaveh: Seek the Truth
When I entered a baal teshuvah Yeshiva twenty-eight years ago my clarion cry was “Clarity or Death!”
Terumah: The Tabernacle in Our Heart!
This week’s Torah portion focuses on the Mishkan (the Tabernacle), which is the dwelling place for the Shechinah (Divine Presence).
Yitro: Preparation for Matan Torah
Any worthwhile endeavor in life requires preparation. When I was a Boy Scout, I learned the Scout’s Motto: “Be prepared.” Before embarking on a camping trip...
Bo: The Four Sons
God gave us 613 beautiful and uplifting mitzvot. We are permitted, and even encouraged, to discover inspiring and meaningful "reasons" for them...
Mishpatim: Blueprint of Reality
A startling insight into Judaism is provided by the Torah’s juxtaposition of the civil laws with the Ten Commandments. Most people think of religion as a matter of ritual...
Behaalotcha: A Babe in His Arms
This was the praise of “the lovingkindness of your youth, the love of your nuptials.” The realities of the natural world meant...
Shmini: The Eternal Soul
If we have solid emunah in God, we realize that death is really the bridge to a better world. Our weeping over the loss of...
Ekev: Love of God
Everyone has his special moments of connecting to the beauty of nature, whether it is while contemplating a waterfall or...
Chayei Sarah: Creating Our Own Selves
Avraham demonstrated God’s attribute of chessed – loving kindness – to the world. He devoted himself to acts of chessed...
Tazria Metzora: Who Wants Life
The slanderer does not go to a doctor, because his physical symptoms were the result of a spiritual disease...
Re’eh: You Never Lose From a Mitzva
Someone may think: “Okay, so I’ll start a new business. I’ll avoid horticulture and turn to financial instruments to make a living...
Mikeitz: Faith and Trust
“It happened at the end of two years to the day: Pharaoh was dreaming that behold! – he was standing over the river”...
Acharei Mot-Kedoshim: Eternal Life
The eternal Torah is the nourishment for the eternal soul. Fulfilling the Torah creates an eternal light that radiates the light of...
Shoftim: No Bribery!
Not being attuned to religious issues at the time, I didn’t give much thought to the point my biology professor was trying...