People usually don't attach significance to a frog. They usually consider it a small ugly creature...
Rabbi Brody - Chassidic Pearls
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Our sages teach us that Hashem is truth and His Holy Name is truth. The Torah alludes to the eternal truth...
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Vayakhel Pekudei: Seeing and Hearing the Tzaddik
First, why did Moshe go to the lengths of assembling the entire Jewish nation? Second, why did Moshe insist that parents bring all...
Ki Tisa: The Power of Patience
We must ask ourselves, what gave the Levites the power to wait so patiently for Moshe? Why did the rest of the people...
Tetzaveh: Spiritual Eyes
How can the High Priest carry the Urim and Tumim directly on his heart? Four mandatory layers of the High Priest's...
Mishpatim: Under Fire
Under fire, there's no time for discussion. The nations of the world have difficulty understanding how it's possible to "do"...
Yitro: Paying for Parents’ Sins – Fair or Not?
Hashem warns that children are required to pay for their parents' sins. The son asks, "Is it my fault that my father sins...
Behar-Bechukotai: Above Nature’s Limitations
Above Nature's Limitations - A Jewish farmer in the Holy Land is commanded to give the land a rest during the sabbatical year...
Pekudei: A Foot in Both Worlds
Why did God command Moshe that Aharon's sons should be the ones to serve under their father in the priesthood?
Metzora: Never Despair!
Never in all of history has there been such a widespread Jewish spiritual rebirth and thirst for Torah as in the present...
Acharei Mot: Hashem Takes Pride in Every Jew
The task of the "designated man" is tremendously important, namely, to lead the scapegoat to the desert. The entire...
Kedoshim: Every Jew’s Special Quality
At a superficial glance, the Torah's commandment that we love our neighbor as we love ourselves seems peculiar and...
Behar: Above Nature’s Limitations
A Jewish farmer in the Holy Land is commanded to give the land a rest during the Sabbatical Year. In turn, HaShem promises...
Bechukotai: Money Worries
The Torah's beautiful blessings are eternal. They are just as real today as they ever were. Hashem grants...
Tazria: Meeting the Tzaddik
God doesn't punish; He educates us, leads us on the right path, and helps us attain our necessary tikkun, or soul correction, so that we'll be worthy vessels...
Balak: Defying the Laws of Nature
Against his will and contrary to his hopes, the wicked Bilaam was forced to bless the Nation of Israel Bilaam of course intended the above utterance...
Lech Lecha: The Difficult Path to Holiness
…the obstacles that a person encounters in life are designed to enhance that person's desire. For that reason, before a person makes...
Pinchas: The Conspirator
In the beginning of this week's portion the Torah relates Hashem's command to Moshe (Moses) to kill the Midianites...