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Turning Darkness into Light

Rabbi Arush's message for everyone: Even if your life looks like a nightmare, go to Hashem and say: “You love me and do only good for me, and I will have even better and better”. You will see how all harsh judgments sweeten. 

The War of the Jew

What do you call a Jewish warrior who serves his nation every day of his life – without vacation, breaks, or end? What do you call a Jewish warrior whose battlefield is not limited to Eretz Yisrael?  A Haredi.

The Best Fire Insurance

UPDATED!!! As the wildfires in Los Angeles burn and the city is charred from the Palisades and Malibu to Pasadena with no water in the broken hydrants – clearly everyone needs better fire insurance, with a low deductible that won’t cancel the policy!

A Ballad of Jimmy Carter

No matter how powerful the man, he is a servant of our King, Who reigns over all kings. It might feel like an invincible pharaoh will subjugate us forever, but his time on earth is confined to his last breath. Like grass, he will grow tall only to whither and fade away.

Why We Kill Their gods Every Day

Throughout history, the Jewish People have been accused of killing the gods of the Egyptian pagans, the Greek Hellenists, and the Christians. The truth is – they are correct. A timely message when Chanukah occurs during the Christian holiday!

The Syria Surprise

We tried everything to eliminate the Assad regime in Syria: the Yom Kippur war, the wars in Lebanon, destruction of the Syrian nuclear weapons plant. After all this plus  years of civil war, Assad was still in power - he looked invincible! Then, in a matter of days, Hashem showed us Who rules over the kings of this world. 

Power of Punishment & Peril of Pardon

Recently, American President Biden pardoned his son, Hunter Biden, for a litany of crimes. Instead of serving out his punishment, Hunter Biden will walk away scot-free. It might be an easy way out of a jam, but is finding a way to escape judgment best for us?

Netanyahu Faces the Holes of Human Justice 

The guardians of human justice have used their power to persecute the leader of the nation that introduced justice to mankind. The arrest warrant issued to Prime Minister Netanyahu for waging war against terrorists proves the fallacy of man-made law. 

The Great American Sifting

Usually you hear about the “Great American Melting Pot” now called the “Salad bowl”. But after Trump’s huge MAGA win – it's about the sifter, and it’s coming from God Himself... 

Special Treatment

He was standing in the Heavenly Court and saw the judges talking about his case. Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, zt”l made his claim: It is true that the verdict is correct for an ordinary Jew, but the defendant standing here is a mezakeh harabbim (brings merits to the many), and such people get special treatment!

The True Test of a Trump Presidency

It's harder to serve God when you're rich. When you have very little, relying on Hashem for everything comes naturally. It's harder to trust God when you have something else to rely on. The same can be said about relying on a powerful ally with Trump as president.

Why You Have to Vote Early and Vote Often

A single mitzvah can tilt the entire world from the side of sin and destruction to the side of merit and blessing. In next week’s American election, a handful of votes will determine which way the world will shift. This is the power of a single choice!

The Wake-Up Call

The air raid sirens are calling to us, much as the shofar calls to us during these days of repentance. The miracles are getting bigger, along with the urgency of Hashem's message to us...