How could a leading stage of the generation be so wrong? He knew Torah inside out and was able to convince 250 sages of the Sanhedrin to rebel against Moshe. What happened, and how can we avoid making the same fatal mistake?
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He was standing in the Heavenly Court and saw the judges talking about his case. Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, zt”l made his claim: It is true that the verdict is correct for an ordinary Jew, but the defendant standing here is a mezakeh harabbim (brings merits to the many), and such people get special treatment!
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Adopt Today’s Chutzpah
Brazenness is such a terrible trait! Or is it? The Kalever Rebbe tells us how we can use chutzpah (brazenness) as a positive, spiritual force in our lives.
Decked Out with Love
There was much preparation and excitement before this wedding. Everything looked so perfect, and yet, very soon afterwards, the couple had to separate. What was missing?!
It Was Worth It
When it comes to teshuva, it doesn’t matter what you did, how low you stooped, what you caused with your bad deeds, or what you think of yourself – nothing matters! Hashem can forgive more than a human parent can forgive. What are you waiting for?
What About My Prayers?
Have you ever gotten to the end of the Amida (Shemonah Esrei) and wondered if you really did recite all the blessings, or if you just mechanically turned the pages? If yes, this article is for you!
Don’t Say Amen
Jews throughout the world are known for their inventions, discoveries, and Nobel prizes. Rabbi Arush tells us what makes the Jewish nation truly outstanding...
Rothschild’s Secret
What was the tremendous wealth that R’ Rothschild kept hidden in a sealed room? Not gold and riches, but a clear understanding of the true purpose of his fortune.
Justice, Truth, and Peace
What would end all quarrels and war, whether between people or nations? What is the single thing that the world, society, Am Yisrael, and the individual need to hold on to regardless of the cost? Rabbi Arush’s answer will surprise you...
Protection From Our Enemies
Jews in every part of the world are facing tremendous dangers and tests. At the same time, we’re looking anxiously for Mashiach to come and bring the final redemption. So... What’s the holdup?
The Global Outage
Do we realize the critical role that we play in Hashem's master plan? Do we recognize our own individual self-worth? We must never think "Why would Hashem care if I pray, study Torah ,or do mitzvot? What difference do I make?"
The Assassination Attempt – Chance or Design
The recent assassination attempt of Mr. Trump has prompted most people to blame outside forces such as poor security, radical elements, or bad luck. The Kalever Rebbe explains how even the success or failure of such an attempt is purely Divine Providence.
The World Revolution
A growing problem in our generation is rebelliousness against any authority figure. In the religious community, this rebellion includes dishonoring and denigrating rabbis and teachers. The resulting damage to one’s own children can be catastrophic and long-term.
Seeds of Faith
The rapid growth of a sunflower from a tiny seed to a 10-foot-tall plant showcases the miraculous power of Hashem. Despite the overwhelming influence of money, power, and media, nature reveals Who is truly in control.
The Holy Shield
Wearing the simple garment tzitzit protects the wearer from all dangers, both physical and spiritual. One who understands the tremendous benefits of tzitzit will be sure to wear them regardless of heat or discomfort.
The Divine Experience of Eating Chocolate
Chocolate is truly Divine! Its ingredients come from God’s miraculous transformation of nature. The experience of eating chocolate becomes a joyous celebration of God’s kindness towards us — making each bite even sweeter than the candy itself!
Who Wants Mashiach – Conclusion
Who needs the Mashiach? Not the Jews! Rabbi Arush explains that the nations of the world need Mashiach to recognize Hashem’s greatness and to honor Him.
Who Wants Mashiach – Redeeming Prayer
Why wait for Mashiach to come when you can experience redemption NOW? Our individual and national redemption depend on prayer. So, if you make prayer the focus and goal of your life, you can already experience redemption.