On October 6, 2023, the leaders of Iran, Hizballah, and Hamas were considering the impossible. The strongest man in the room balked, as did his sidekick. What did the weakest man in the room know that the others didn’t when he attacked Israel?
Foundations of Judaism
Featured Articles
No one falls so low in one day. The child goes through a process. Initially, the child seems fine, causing the parents to ignore small signs ... until everything blows up in their face. The Jewish people too, have ignored early warning signs with disastrous results.
Articles by Sub-Category
Hitbodedut (Personal Prayer)
A secular Arab Affairs Israeli reporter was in constant contact with a leader of Arab terrorists. The Arab's frank words about Jews to the reporter completely upended him, to the point of him doing teshuvah. A true story that helps us examine our level of emuna and quality of life.
Imagine hitting a green light at every street intersection so that you smoothly drive down the open road. If only real life could be like that! Read Rebbe Nachman’s Advice on how to make such a dream into reality...
All beginnings of anything are difficult, but all the more so with hitbodedut (personal prayer). Read Rabbi Arush's great advice that really works!
Elul ... Rosh Hashanah ... teshuvah ... judgment... Who doesn't have inner resistance to taking stock of his life? After all, I have so many deficiencies and so many failures. Rabbi Arush gives a sure-fire solution to winning a positive judgment!
Holiness for Men and Women
Is stubbornness a good trait or not? It depends... The Kalever Rebbe describes how the stubbornness of Jewish women in Egypt brought about their redemption. May it be so for us as well!
We come with a loving call to all Daughters of Israel! I ask you from the bottom of my heart – for Hashem’s honor and for all our brethren who are in trouble – do your part, and with your tzniut you make this whole world a brighter one.
The strength of the Jewish people lies in its holiness and modesty. Rabbi Arush turns to all readers who want to do the greatest thing for the Jewish People, for our soldiers, and for our existence!
When a lie is repeated often in public and with a sense of pride, conviction, and confidence, people begin to accept that lie as a truth. The Kalever Rebbe explains how a hedonistic culture successfully uses this strategy to erode Jewish values.
Jewish Daily Life and Halacha
In our era where words travel at the speed of light, guarding the sanctity of speech is more relevant than ever. Speech is a great tool to unite and elevate us all!
In today's toxic environment, every mitzvah that you keep is extraordinarily precious! It gives Hashem tremendous gratification when you withstand the impure traits of the nations that surround you.
If a person stretches and pushes himself to perform a mitzvah when it is difficult, eventually he will unleash that mitzvah's sweetness. He will begin to thoroughly enjoy that mitzvah with a true, unmatched pleasure.
Following Hashem’s laws makes you more spiritually sensitive. Start with small, easy laws that you’re probably already doing, and then slowly take on another and another. This is the spiritual journey of Jewish Law – you can scale mountains!