Children and Education

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Real Education

Parents, do you want your children to be good, to do good for others, and to light up the world with goodness and blessing and life and holiness?  Read on for the secret of the Mishkan (Tabernacle) and the secret of all child education! 

You are a Tzaddik!

Parents, everything begins with your belief in yourselves! Do not forget that you are tzaddikim and that Hashem loves you and is proud of you and appreciates you! This is what you should pass on to your children, thus giving them the ability to keep all the Torah and mitzvot and be good and truly succeed in life. 

We Are Not Monkeys!

The difference between observant and secular Jews is very apparent when you look at the relationship between parents and children. Aging parents can easily be seen as a “burden” and “behind the times”. The Torah approach can be seen from Yosef’s attention to his father Yaakov... 

Chanukah – Wisdom versus Torah

Shouldn’t progress in science, education, and equal rights promote a peaceful and harmonious society? Yet, we often see just the opposite! The Kalever Rebbe explains the advantage and beauty of Torah wisdom over secular wisdom. 

A Worthy Investment

In Jewish education and outreach, every effort matters, and you cannot imagine the profound everlasting impact these efforts can have on generations! May this idea encourage parents, teachers, and those who invest in Jewish education and outreach. 

Business Advice

Many believe that Torah study will not provide them with the skills and knowledge needed to pursue a livelihood. So logically, they need to minimize the amount of time for Torah study and pursue secular subjects. The Kalever Rebbe shows how wrong this thinking is... 

Life’s Lessons from my Autistic Son

Witness the transformation of frustration into fulfillment as my son's refusal to shower became a powerful metaphor for our relationship with God. This story will touch your heart and change your perspective on everyday struggles.

Proud of One’s Jewish Heritage

When a lie is repeated often in public and with a sense of pride, conviction, and confidence, people begin to accept that lie as a truth. The Kalever Rebbe explains how a hedonistic culture successfully uses this strategy to erode Jewish values.

What I Saw in the Holocaust

Today, we see that elite American universities that create the next leaders in society have become centers of hate. Yet, we send our children there for “higher education”, thinking that their Torah education will protect them from adverse influence. But is that what happens? 

Freedom of Choice?

Some governments want to force schools to adopt a curriculum that is heresy according to Torah standards. This trend is rooted in “openness” and “freedom of choice”. How can we protect our children from this toxic exposure?

The Exciting Show

We all have times when our prayer or learning is done with a coldness, a lack of interest, and devoid of any enthusiasm. What's the answer? The Kalever Rebbe gives practical advice... 

Protect Your House

There are people who mock rabbis and Torah scholars as "useless" and "out of touch." Not surprisingly, their children learn to view rabbis as such. This approach destroys the last hope of saving their children from the spiritually deadly epidemics afflicting modern society. 

A Good Hostage Deal?

"If the Satan did not blind our eyes, we would all see that these children [in secular schools] are like the children on the trains to Auschwitz.” Saving a captured soul is the greatest mitzvah, especially today! 

A Strong Home Front  

Military experts are rightfully concerned about the Home Front and are arming and fortifying border settlements. Likewise, we must fortify Jewish homes because true victory in the campaign only comes when the Shechina (Divine Presence) is with us.

Be a Role Model

Your family needs to see how happy you are when you study Torah! If they see this joy, they will surely follow your example. However, if they see you focusing on other matters, it won't help to tell them to learn because you've shown them that you have different priorities in your life.