The Book of Psalms, one of the Books of the "TANAKH," or the Bible. It is a collection of songs of praise to the Creator, songs that arise from the soul of a person...
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A righteous man (for the female equivalent, see "Tzidkanit") - based on the Hebrew word "Tzedek," or Justice. The Jewish hero is not the swashbuckling warrior...
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The Book of Psalms, one of the Books of the "TANAKH," or the Bible. It is a collection of songs of praise to the Creator, songs that arise from the soul of a person...
A righteous man (for the female equivalent, see "Tzidkanit") - based on the Hebrew word "Tzedek," or Justice. The Jewish hero is not the swashbuckling warrior...
Our sages teach: If you see that your livelihood is limited, give tzedaka! All the more so, if you have sufficient income. This is like a shorn and unshorn...
Holy Temple, spiritual center of the Jewish People. Three "Batei Mikdash" have played or, we believe, will soon play important...