Reb Yaakov Yitzchak – The Chozeh of Lublin
Date of Passing: 9-Av. Rabbi Yaacov Yitzchak HaLevi Horowitz, the Chozeh of Lublin, is one of the truly beloved figures of Chassidism. He merited the cognomen of Chozeh...

Reb Yaakov Yitzchak HaLevi Horowitz
Born: Poland, c. 1745
Died: Lublin, 1815
Rabbi Yaakov Isaac Horowitz (Hebrew: יעקב יצחק הורוביץ), known as “The Seer of Lublin” (החוזה מלובלין, ha-Chozeh MiLublin) was a Chassidic rebbe from Poland.
A leading figure in the early Hasidic movement, he became known as the “seer” or “visionary” due to his purported ability to gaze across great distance by supernatural means. He was a disciple of the Maggid of Mezritch. He continued his studies under Rabbi Shmelke of Nilkolsburg and Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk. He lived for a while in Lantzut before moving to Lublin.
After Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchak moved to Lublin, thousands of Hasidim flocked to learn from him.[5] Among his disciples were such Hasidic luminaries as Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchak Rabinowicz (“The Holy Jew”), Rabbi Simcha Bunim of Peshischa, Rabbi Meir of Apta, Rabbi David of Lelov (“The Yismach Moshe”), Rabbi Tzvi Elimelech of Dinov, Rabbi Naftali Zvi of Ropshitz (“The Ma’or Vashemesh”), and Sar Shalom of Belz. The Seer of Lublin also gained a reputation as a miracle-worker who could accomplish the tikkun, or repair of the soul, of those who sought his assistance and guidance. During his stay in Lublin, Yaakov Yitzchak was opposed by a prominent rabbi, Rabbi Ezriel Horowitz.
Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchak was a descendant of Isaiah Horowitz (Hebrew: ישעיה הלוי הורוביץ), also known as the Shelah ha-Kadosh (Hebrew: של”ה הקדוש), a prominent rabbi and mystic, and his maternal grandfather, Rabbi Yaakov Koppel Likover, also a prominent rabbi, a scholar, and a contemporary of the Ba’al Shem Tov.
He was injured in a fall from a window on Simchat Torah night following HaKafos and died almost a year later on Tisha B’Av [6] from injuries relating to this fall. He is buried in the Old Jewish Cemetery, Lublin.
His writings are contained in four books:
- Divrei Emet
- Zot Zikaron
- Zikaron Zot
- Zikaron Tov
In a compilation of these works, entitled Torat HaChozeh MiLublin, his commentaries are arranged alphabetically according to topics and according to the weekly Torah portion.
May the merit of the tzaddik Rabbi Yaakov Isaac Horowitz protect us all. Amen
Editor’s Addition: See also The Light That Changed A Life – Chozeh Lublin and What Joy Can Do – Chozeh Lublin.
Hi Alex,
We do not have any info on Reb Dovid Maggid HaCohen. Assuming from his name that he is a Cohen, then by definition he is a descendant of Aaron HaCohen.
I did find some info on Gini, but I don’t know if it’s the same person.
Reb Dovid Maggid hacohen was my 5th great grandfather. Do you have any information on him? I read that the Chozeh said my relative was descended from Aaron Hacohen.