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Parshat Zachor and Purim

We read Parshat Zachor about the war with the Amalek on the Shabbat before Purim to remind us to annihilate the Amalek and its impure forces in each generation by strengthening our emunah and prayer.

Megillat Esther

Read about the Purim story from Megillat Esther (Scroll of Esther). Megillat Esther is the only book in the Scriptures where God's name is never mentioned. The Purim miracle is hidden and ...

From Redemption to Prayer

The great power of the Jewish people is their ironclad emuna that cannot be influenced by any sorrow or suffering. The best gauge of a one’s emuna is his prayer. With strong emuna, one's prayer can bring miracles.

Our Main Weapon

A Jew’s most powerful weapon is his pure emunah in Hashem. A Jew can grow his emuna by praying, by wearing tefillin with Shema, Yisrael, or even when discussing daily events. Through this, may we merit the downfall of our enemies. 

War and Revenge

We do not celebrate the death of our enemies, nor do we take revenge. Jews are guided by emuna that everything is from Hashem - even war. 

Orphans in Captivity

UPDATE- November 30 AM.  All children have been released EXCEPT Ariel and Kefir Bibas. Hopefully, they are alive and will soon be released to their families. What lessons can we learn to cope with such pain?

Three Russian Defeats

Although Purim is past, our private war with Amalek continues unabated. What timeless messages can we learn from Mordecai and our tzaddikim to help us win the war?

The Worst Comes True

Sometimes, a person's worst-case scenario actually comes true in order to show him that everything Hashem does is truly for the very best...

HaRav HaGaon Chaim Kanievsky

Date of Passing: 15-Adar. R’ Kanievsky was the leader of the Haredi community world-wide, yet he was recognized as one who loved all of Am Yisrael. May he continue to be an advocate for each Jew and for the Jewish nation from his place in Shamayim!