After the Fall
How we can pick ourselves up in light of with all the negative self-talk that floods our minds? It’s important to separate who we are from the impurity that clouds our judgment…
Transcribed by Devora Shifrin
We all experience the ups and downs of life. There are times to move forward, to retreat, to be silent, or to just hang on. The compilation of these moments makes up the days, months, and years of our lives. It’s important to remember that the climate of our circumstance is ever-changing and the hardships that we face are temporary. Becoming mindful of our conditions and understanding the inevitability of these changes will provide us with an offensive strategy to overcoming the challenges that present themselves.
The war against self-doubt and despair are highly prevalent in our culture. Although these feelings may be instigated through the manifestation of our physical circumstances, they are rooted in the feeling of separation from God. This separation is caused by klipot (husks, peels), which are spiritual barriers on the soul. There are three main sources of klipot. The barrier between our souls and spiritual connection may result from:
- Monetary and sexual desires
- Our impulses and cravings
- Self-demoralization and despair
The good news is, that the Tikkun Haklali (General Remedy of 10 specific chapters from Psalm) has been ruled as an effective measure for removing klipot. By becoming aware of what causes these klipot, we can have a better awareness and understanding of our states of mind, and work to remedy the situations that we face.
One may wonder how we can approach God in prayer with all the negative self-talk that floods our minds; yet it’s important to separate who we are, from the klipot which cloud our judgement. Our job in this life is to strengthen ourselves and to connect to God despite all of the reasons we prefer not to. As we rise from level to level, there will be tests, and there will be falls; however, it is imperative that we never quit. Through spirituality, finding meaning, and zoning in on our soul state, we can move toward self-improvement and the resiliency needed to get through life’s difficulties.
The low after the high provides us with the opportunity to be humble, and to reassess our strategy so that we come back stronger. Believe that we don’t need to act solely on how we feel, rather we have the ability to act better than we feel. Regardless of the outcome, the tests of our lives require us to constantly face who we are in the difficult times. We are often provided with countless opportunities to determine how we will act after the fall, and what we will do to get back up again. The reward is in the effort, the desire for change, and the faith we have in transformation.
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Gedale Fenster, a Miami-based entrepreneur and motivational speaker, is the founder and CEO of the People’s Insurance Claim Center and Evolutions Treatment Center. He has also established the Breslov Center, where he teaches. He hosts a series of daily and weekly online lectures at http://www.gedalefenster.com/
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