Crunchy Creamy Greens Salad
The medical establishment can provide you with band aid, not healing, services. If you want health, you have to create and maintain health with your own two hands…

We can learn a lot from the fruit and vegetable kingdom. While not in the public eye in the way that grilled salmon and quinoa are, they just do their thing quietly, all the while brimming with gorgeous colors and good energy.
We too can quietly become more beautiful and high energy as we consolidate our focus into becoming truly healthy in both body and soul. Health will never go out of style, it is always high in demand. It is absolutely an asset to grow and invest in. Being healthy can skyrocket our spiritual quest for emuna by infusing us with an incredible amount of energy and passion. It’s like having a top-of-the-line engine.
If you really want to be healthy you must be CONSCIOUS of what you eat. You wouldn’t cross a street, checkout at the supermarket or drive your car without being conscious of what you are doing, right? Well, it’s the same with nourishing and energizing your body. Can’t just throw anything down the hatchet.
I know… it’s a job actually living consciously… Rabbi Shlomo Volbe zt”l wrote, “Part of serving G-d is working hard on keeping the body clean and healthy, since it is a finely-tuned instrument for the Torah.” (Alei Shur, part I). I hope this statement by one of this generation’s Torah Greats gives you some inspiration.
For best results, incorporate lots of colorful fruits, vegetables and especially leafy greens into every meal.
Dark leafy green vegetables are bursting with carotenoids, folate, chlorophyll, and fiber, which help stop or slow certain cancers. They are an amazing source of amino acids, vitamins, minerals, iron and calcium and full of numerous antioxidants. They can affect you positively on many levels.
Having “just” a salad for lunch is perfectly fine. You will actually have more energy for the rest of your day!
Have a salad every day for lunch to help eliminate disease and bring a beautiful color and glow to your face. Try this leafy greens salad for lunch, or cut in half what you were originally going to have for lunch and add the salad.
Crunchy and Creamy Leafy Green Salad
8 cups of leafy greens such as romaine, bok choy, cabbage and kale
1 cup almonds, soaked (place in bowl with water for 6 hours, drain and rinse)
10 cherry tomatoes, halved
1/4 cup Apple cider vinegar
2 Tbs. Honey
1 Carrot
1/2 cucumber
1 Avocado
dash of white pepper
1 tsp sea salt
½ tsp garlic powder
Blend the dressing in a blender for a minute and then pour on the salad. Enjoy!
Salad and dressing a great success, thank you