It’s Not Genetic

The dreaded disease that begins with a "c" has become so common that it scares everyone; people think that it’s inevitable, the result of bad genes. Not so! Here's good news…

3 min

Racheli Reckles

Posted on 29.05.23

I am so, so incredibly frustrated. The other night I went to a shiva, the seven days of intense mourning that a family goes through after a loved one passes away. It was the shiva of my friend’s sister-in-law, Chaya.


She was only 38.


She was a mother of six.


She had the “Big C,” that everyone is terrified of. So many people get this dreaded disease that they think it’s inevitable, bad luck, or bad genes.


Well I’m telling you that for most of us, it’s none of the above.


Dr. T. Colin Campbell, world-renowned researcher who conducted the largest study on people in history, discovered that faulty genes contributes to 2-3% of all cancer cases.




So what about the other 98%? Who can we blame for our sorry state of health, if not our parents or God?


While there is absolutely a connection between faulty genes and the state of health a child is born in, we need to ask a very important question…


Why are these genes faulty in the first place?


And then we need to see how we can fix them.


I’d like to introduce you to a scientist that will destroy every preconceived idea you have on cancer. His name is Dr. Thomas N. Seyfreid and he speaks all over the world with one agenda in mind: to show people that cancer is not a disease of faulty genetics or bad luck.


He wants to show the world that cancer is a metabolic disease.


But wait! You’re probably asking a very logical question. What about the gene mutations that cause cells to develop uncontrollably and become cancerous? That’s a genetic problem right there!


Yes. But the real question is…


What causes those gene mutations to happen in the first place?


Stop and think about that for a few minutes. We need to look beyond the little box that modern medicine has squeezed us into. That box prevents us from asking the right questions and taking control of our health. That box keeps us uninformed – victims of chance, bad circumstances, bad luck, and insanely high medical bills.


In this fascinating lecture, Dr. Seyfried explains that the view of cancer as a genetic disease is actually a dogma. It’s an idea that is ingrained in the minds of doctors and society in general.


You see, modern medicine has a fatal flaw. It refuses to look at diet as the cause of many of our illnesses. Yes, doctors will tell you to eat healthy as they eat the most toxic hospital cafeteria food. They’ll tell you not to smoke as they hide their lit cigarette behind their backs. But, this is all superficial babble.


Modern medicine has done nothing to lower rates of heart disease, diabetes, degenerative diseases, and cancer.


Just look around. How many people do you know that are sick with some kind of chronic disease? Maybe you are one of them. It’s an epidemic, and it must stop. But we see no signs of stopping or even slowing down, as we watch more and more people get sick every year.


I am asking, begging you to watch this lecture! He makes it so clear, so practical that we can not only reverse cancer, but we can prevent it as well.


He talks about how sugar leads to cancer proliferation. He talks about how calorie restriction slows tumor growth. He talks about the role of ketone bodies in brain function and cell metabolism. He talks about how intermittent fasting kills cancer cells. (Just ignore the whole “evolution” nonsense he throws in there.)


He also talks about something else: he explains how the traditional chemo/radiation route actually contributes to tumor growth!!


We don’t have to live our lives in worry, being victims of bad genes, bad luck, or living too close to cell phone towers.


Today there is so much information available to help us be as healthy as possible. Let’s take back control of our health and live as empowered, proactive, and healthy human beings.


Next week I’ll tell you about a diet that has been shown to help reverse cancers and other chronic diseases.



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Feel free to send Racheli your questions, particularly in the areas of marriage, dating, child-rearing and women’s role; write her at

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