The Aha Moment
Hashem wants us to stop and think: what's missing in life? Why is life not as happy and fulfilling as it should be? If we don't ask the questions, we won't get answers...

We have all heard the uplifting phrase, “The world is a better place just because you are in it.” To receive a greeting card with those words printed on it would put a smile on anybody’s face. It is, indeed, a perfect saying when we think of what will make G-d happy. He wants nothing more than for us, His Jewish children, to want Him to return to this world more than we desire anything else. In fact, a truer statement could not be found, for, indeed, the world would be a far better place just because G-d resided where He longs to be—in His place in the rebuilt Third Temple in Jerusalem.
Hashem wants us to have as a primary goal, as our united purpose, the desire to have Him back coupled with the fortitude to accomplish this goal. For this objective to be more than a dream, we must take action and have a plan to bring it to fruition. G-d outlines everything we need to do in His Instruction Manual for living life to its fullest—the Torah. Then He watches us with pride from on High as we create sub-goals for ourselves and do the things that will encourage His return. G-d is no less in exile than we are. He watches as we muddle through life sometimes very confused and uncertain only because His Presence is hidden far from us at this juncture. However, it does not have to be that way.
Moses, who was not allowed to enter the holy Land of Israel, was given the unique opportunity to stand at a scenic vantage point and gaze over the entire Promised Land in every direction. This experience stirred up a tremendous longing in him. This heartfelt yearning for G-d and for the Land of Israel that Moses experienced is a part of the DNA of the Jewish People. For those of us who do not feel it that strongly yet, it is only because we are not doing the things that will bring that intense emotion to the surface and facilitate progress toward the fulfillment of our own potential. When we up the bar, that feeling will expand. This is what will make Hashem happy.
G-d wants us—the post-Holocaust generation —to take the baton from the survivors and insure the continuity of our people. He wants us to pray to Him for everything and to talk to Him in our own words. He wants us to connect the dots and have an a-ha moment that life is not as it should be—that the missing ingredient is none other than G-d Himself at home in the Third Temple in Jerusalem and that we, His children, have the power to bring Him back. How do we do that? The answer is a deceptively simple one: By believing in ourselves that we can and we will. The more people who hear this message and inculcate it into their psyche, believe it, and know that they can contribute to bringing G-d home, the greater the chance that this generation will achieve it.
When we believe that we can, we will, and we are shown what we must do to succeed. When we commit to Hashem, He will lead us. We just have to make this goal the most important thing in our lives and teach our children what the achievement of this goal will bring to us all. The result will be healing—emotional and physical—-of all our ailments and challenges and peace on earth for all time. We can and we will. If only more of us would want to make G-d happy and, even more, to believe that we have the power to unite with Hashem to bring tranquility and stability to a world that has lost its center, we could be the generation of Moshiach. What other goal compares to this? I daresay, “None!”
May these words inspire our brothers and sisters to desire what G-d Himself desires and return to Hashem. Make G-d happy. Do it for yourself. Do it for your children and loved ones. Do it for those you love who have passed on to the Next World and are rooting for you. Do it for the Holy Covenant with the Almighty. Just do it, and know that the more people we touch with this message the greater the likelihood of success. To believe in the truth is to believe in ourselves that we can and we will.
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Lori is a writer, educator, spiritual mentor, and certified life coach. She teaches women’s classes in southern California in the practical application of Torah and of spiritual principles. She specializes in guiding women to raising Jewish offspring of all ages (young children, teens, and even young adults) to help stem the tide of assimilation. She is on a mission to help Jews know what being Jewish truly means. For any questions about her services, feel free to email her at thechaiway@gmail.com.
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