The Great Secret

What’s the difference between very successful people who stay successful and people who never experience any lasting success in their lives?

4 min

Dr. Zev Ballen

Posted on 14.04.24

What enables some people to build the business of their dreams, or find their ideal soul mate, or maintain excellent health at any age?  What’s the difference between very successful people who stay successful and people who never experience any lasting success in their lives?


It’s a great secret…


The people who become who they want to become and are living the lives that they want to be living know the great secret that very few people know. People who are continually frustrated by their attempts to “get ahead” don’t know the great secret. When their attempts fail, they lose faith in themselves that they will ever be able to reach their goals. Eventually these people don’t even take their own desires to achieve things seriously because they don’t believe that they have any power to make their lives better.


But if the people who don’t feel that they’re getting anywhere in life would know the great secret, and then they too would have the lives that they really want to have.


I’m sure that by now you’re wondering – what is the great secret?


The great secret is that what we think about most often is what comes back to us.  If we have faith in good things then good things will happen. If we have “faith” in things that we don’t want to happen then that’s what we’re going to get more of.  Every one of our thoughts creates something. Every thought whether it is about the past, the present or the future has the power to create something very real in the world. If you are looking a mountain of debt and feeling very bad about it, then even more of it is going to come back to you. If you’re focusing on feeling healthy right now even if you’re not healthy, you’ll be getting healthier already. The problem is that most people are thinking about what they don’t want and are wondering why it keeps showing up over and over again. Our job is to hold onto the thoughts of what we want and to make them absolutely clear in our minds. The main point is that we become what we think about and believe in and attract what think about and believe in to come to us.


Some people say that they are focusing on what they want but it still hasn’t happened? The answer is that while they are doing the first step correctly there is another step that they aren’t doing. They are not feeling positive, hopeful, optimistic emotions while they are thinking, or imagining what it is they want. They are not in alignment with or having faith in what they are asking for. If someone is thinking about what they want but is simultaneously feeling worried that he’s not going to get it or is angry that he hasn’t gotten it yet – G-d certainly knows that. G-d instantly knows how much we trust that He can and will give us what we want. G-d instantly assesses our level of emuna, and then what we get back is a reflection of how much we trust and believe in Him.


One who worries the most and speaks the most about illness, has illness. One who focuses on prosperity has prosperity. This isn’t just wishful thinking. G-d rewards you for your emuna by allowing your mind to shape that which it is thinking about and positively wishing for or asking for. You have this awesome power because G-d, the Creator, made you in His image and gave you the power to create your own destiny.


When people learn the great secret, they often become frightened of their own negative thoughts; they worry that they are causing themselves and others to be damaged and that the more they worry about this the more damage they are causing.


The truth is that there is no cause for fear. The Torah teaches us that negative thoughts are far weaker than positive thoughts. For example it says in the Talmud that a good thought creates a good angel, and that good angel has the power to push away 1000 “bad” angels. Similarly one good thought has the power to push away 1000 bad thoughts.


So now that you’ve learned the great secret you’re ready to have some fun with it. Think about it: you are the artisan, the sculptor of your life. You don’t have to be like those people who go to work every day, do their job and just come home. You can get off that tread mill and start creating the life that you really want to be living.


Here’s something else that will help you. Don’t try to monitor all of your thoughts – there are too many of them. G-d has given you a way to easily know if your thoughts are in line with your faith and what you want. Your emotions are your GPS guidance system which help you to know what you’re thinking and consequently what you’re attracting. Essentially there are only two types of emotions, those that feel bad and those that feel good.


Good emotions tell you that you’re thinking is on track with what you want. Try and sustain good emotions as much as you can; positive emotions tell you how the goals that you’re moving towards will please you when you get there. There are no exceptions to this.


Remember that whatever thought has done in your life it can be undone. It’s so important to just feel good! Put on some music, sing a song, and think of something beautiful like the sound of a child’s first cry as he’s being born. And soon you will notice the correlation between what you’re feeling and what life sends you in return. You’ll soon see that G-d gives you the power to choose your own destiny.


So now that you know the great secret, start using it and telling other people about it there is no limit to what you can do. Think about what you want in every area of your life, write it down and then go place your order with good emotions born of faith. May all your dreams come true!

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