Quirky Turkey
In a world where people often throw away their identities, Quirky Turkey reminds us all that we don't have to be turkeys to be good people; we have to be who we really are...
Based on Rebbe Nachman’s The Turkey Prince
Retold by Aaron Dikel
Vince the Prince had a great fall
Vince the Prince felt so small
All the Kings doctors and all the Kings men
Couldn’t get Vince to the table again.
But the Wiser One came,
And played Vince’s game,
And showed him that he was a friend,
He made him feel good,
Just like everyone should,
And helped him back up in the end…
With a boogie
And a woogie
Like a turkey-gone-wild
Vince twirled,
And jumped,
And giggled,
And smiled.
He flew through the palace
Feeling free, free, free!
And leaped off the table
For the world to see.
Then down went up, and up fell down.
The world spun silly… all around.
SMASH! He crashed on the cold, hard floor.
Then Vince was no longer himself anymore.
“Gobble Gobble!” he said,
Pecking pieces of bread,
And ate scraps and bones right off the floor.
Then when he was done
Eating every last one,
He pecked people until they gave him more.
The King cried
“Vince, get up from there!”
And his men tried too,
But Vince didn’t care.
Then came his mother,
And sister and brother.
More people kept coming
One after the other.
But he wouldn’t listen
And they couldn’t teach him,
Cause none of the people
Were able to reach him.
So the Doctors came to save the day,
Well at least… they tried, anyway.
The first to come was super-duper-large.
He marched-on-in, it was Doctor Sarge.
“Do as you are told, and don’t ask why.
If I say ‘Jump,’ you say ‘How high?’
Move it! Move it! Quick get rushing!
Grab your toothbrush, and start brushing.
Take a bath! Put on those clothes!
Cut your nails! And wipe your nose!
Mind your manners. Be polite.
Say ‘please’ and ‘thanks.’
“OUCH!” the doctor sneered.
“GOBBLE GOBBLE!” Vince jeered.
Doctor Blue came too, with green medicine goo,
And said, “Studies show, this is good for you!”
But it looked really gross, and smelled like a shoe,
So Vince pinched his nose, and retorted, “PEE YOU!”
Then came Doctor Me,
Prim and proper as can be,
Wearing fancy clothes,
And looking down his nose
At everyone other than he.
He took a hammer out, to thump on Vince’s knee,
And said, “Sit still, young man, cause this won’t be hurting Me.”
But Vince did not agree, to him thumping on a knee,
So the Doctor had a temper, he was angry as can be.
“He’s lost his identity,” the doctors frowned.
“And missing identities almost never…
get found.”
And the King felt dreadful.
One wonderful day,
From out of the glow,
The Wiser-One came,
And appeared in the snow.
He looked like an angel,
Dressed all in white,
Happy, and shining,
And beaming with light.
With long sideburns
And a beard of gold,
He seemed like a sage
From the days of old.
He was confident, and brave, and sure,
And promised that the prince he’d cure.
“Who are you? What are you doing here?” Vince pried.
“And what are you doing here?” the Wiser One replied.
“I’M A TURKEY!” Vince cried.
“I’m a turkey too,” the Wiser One replied.
Finally Vince felt good inside.
They stayed that way
For the rest of the day.
And after some time they got used to one another,
And spoke to each other, like brother-to-brother,
Talking about something, from one thing to another.
The Wiser One whispered- in Vince’s ear.
“I know a secret. Do you want to hear?
Turkeys can be turkeys, and play dress up too.
If you want to play dress up, this shirt is for you.
Vince took a look, and the shirt looked good.
He wanted to wear it, and decided he would.
“Turkeys can be turkeys, and wear pants too.
If you want to wear pants, this pair is for you.”
Vince took a look, and the pants looked good.
He wanted to try, and decided he would.
Eventually, he got all dressed.
In a new vest (freshly pressed),
And sock number one,
And sock number two,
And shoe after shoe,
And a new crown too.
“Turkeys can be turkeys, and eat well too.
If you want good food, then this is for you.”
Then he spread red spread
On a slice of white bread,
But Vince turned his head,
And snootily said,
“I’ll have whole wheat bread… instead.”
The feast was fun.
The food was yummy.
And Vince felt better,
With a happy tummy.
“Turkeys can be turkeys, and sit in chairs too.
There’s a chair at the table just waiting for you.”
Vince took a look, and the chair looked good.
He wanted to sit, and decided he would.
He ascended the throne
Like a genuine prince.
And everyone cheered,
“Hooray for Vince!”
The King filled with joy,
Now that his little boy
Discovered himself in the end,
And thanked the Wiser One
For curing his son,
And being a genuine friend.
©Aaron Dikel, 2015 – all rights reserved
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