The Love Barometer
What people in today’s world refer to as “love” is basically nothing more than animal urges and Hollywood-style flash-in-the-pan infatuation that is ever so short-lived…

Dear Rabbi Brody,
I’m one of your Noahide readers, and I depend on you for spiritual guidance. So first of all, thanks to you and to Breslev Israel for opening your hearts and for being there for all of us.
Here’s my issue: I’ve been dating someone for 6 weeks, and he already says that he loves me and wants to marry me. He seems special, but this is really too fast for me, and to be honest, my head is more than a little bit in the clouds. On the other hand, I’m afraid of losing this dude. What do I do?
Sincerely, Jennifer from Southern USA
Dear Jennifer,

At any rate, you can try this “love barometer” on your boyfriend – it’s simple and foolproof:
1) How often does he think about you: Once a day, once an hour, once a minute? This is reflected better by deeds (notes, phone calls, small acts of kindness, little presents, etc.) than by words.
2) Ask him if he knows what makes you happy and what makes you sad. If he answers that he can’t possibly know the answer because he doesn’t know you well enough, then his proclaimed love for you is none other than an illusion. How can he love what he doesn’t know?
3) Is he a good listener? Does he value the things you say and treat you with respect? Don’t confuse lustful flattery with respect.
4) When he speaks to you, close your eyes and listen to his voice: Is there friendship, kindness, and compassion in that voice, or only lust? Don’t let physical attraction overwhelm your good judgment.
5) Is he interested in your family background? Is he interested in meeting your parents and taking you home to meet his? This is a sure-fire sign of an individual with serious and honorable intentions. On this point, if he passes the test so far, I urge you to meet his parents and other people who are close to him. One’s family and friends can oftentimes say quite a bit about a person.
6) Does he talk to you about his goals, dreams, and aspirations? Are they materially oriented or spiritually oriented? Can you identify with them?
In picking a partner for life, you’re better off using your brain than your heart. Is the person kind and considerate? Is he even-tempered? Is he decent? Is he dependable? Is he modest? Does he come from a family with healthy interpersonal relationships? Do you have a common goal? In order to make a decision, you need to do some serious homework and check out this guy.
Once again, meet his parents. If he has a connection with a clergyman, by all means make an appointment with that clergyman. Talk to his friends and acquaintances. Speak with his roommates or colleagues. Make sure there are no skeletons in the closet like substance, gambling, or porno addictions. You’ll be saving yourself from unpleasant surprises and raising your chances for future success.
Don’t worry – if he really cares about you, you won’t lose him in the extra few weeks that you’ll need to be doing your “homework”. If he’s only trying to use you for a good time, then let him walk and good riddance. Whatever you do, don’t let meaningless coffee-house expressions of love make your head spin.
Jennifer, my beloved teacher and spiritual guide Rabbi Shalom Arush says that the most important effort in finding the right mate is prayer – the more the better. Keep me posted. Blessings and smiles, LB
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