Purity and Health
Extensive research proves categorically that keeping Family Purity laws guards a women’s health, and her husband and children’s health as well…
Family Purity, Part 4
Creation of life depends on pure love, for if there is no love between man and wife, then there is death in the house. The woman feels the death, and the entire household feels the death. For there to be love, there must be purity of the mikva; to create life, there must be purity.
A couple that keeps the command of Hashem to separate when the wife becomes nidah must observe a difficult twelve-day period (on the average) every month where touching is forbidden. This creates a positive impression on a soul waiting to come to this world through the relations between that couple. When a couple gets together in true elevated love rather than with the physical infatuation of lust, and they bring a soul into the world, they bring a lofty soul into this world.
A soul, when it first comes down to this world, is like a soft seedling; everything influences it, and every impression is major. The spirituality of the parents is recorded in the “seedling” soul, and influences its ability to grow and sprout healthfully. If the spirituality of the parents is not so favorable, and they fail to observe family purity, then the subsequent impurity is stamped upon the soul that comes into the world, and that child is very will be obstinately connected to the world of physicality and materialism.
But, even the child that came down to this world through sin and impurity can also have a rectification if he prays and strengthens himself in repentance. His work will be harder – however, he will be able to purify himself. There were great righteous people that were Ba’alei Teshuvah (spiritually-awakened Jews). Even converts and children of converts, that certainly were not born in holiness, have purified themselves and merited amazing spiritual heights. So, every child has hope. But, family purity makes a child’s life so much from the very beginning.
The Essence of Health
Another important aspect of “the good life” is health. This is very understandable, for if a person doesn’t have health, G-d forbid, all the money or success in the world will not give him enjoyment.
Extensive research proves categorically that keeping Family Purity laws guards a women’s health, and her husband and children’s health as well!
The proofs are scientific, and are evaluated by well known scientists in an objective manner, without any religious connection. However, this book does not seek scientific proofs, for Emuna enlightens us on our path. Nonetheless, we mention these facts to enable people to investigate further about the supernatural protection that keeping Family Purity provides them with.
Organic guarding
When a woman is menstruating, there is no need to say that it’s not appropriate to approach her physically, nor is it an act of a civilized person. It’s also clear that a person who does approach a menstruating woman causes damage, as many reports prove. But even when a woman stops actually bleeding, even during the Seven Clean Days after menstruating during which refraining from relations is a Rabbinic decree, even then, there are health reasons why not to approach a woman.
One report proves that in the woman’s body, around the womb there is a very strong acid which guards the woman from bacteria. This acid is very potent, and through its potency, we see that a woman may be in danger if she does not have it! It is interesting to note, that from the time a woman begins to see blood, the acid disappears, and only returns after the Seven Clean Days.
The moment a woman sees menstrual blood, the acid boundary disappears for the duration of the menstrual flow. When the flow stops, the acid begins to return slowly, and is still rather weak at the beginning of the Seven Clean Days. At the completion of the Seven Days, the acidic barrier has returned to its full strength, able to shield and envelope the womb and guard the woman from all sorts of bacteria and illnesses.
Even when a woman is still not yet tehorah, she is open to dangers from bacteria and the like, and any relations that may occur at that time may cause her, and her partner, damage. Also, relations at this time cause a gap in the natural course of the womb healing, which may lead to infection and cause the blood to flow again.
Statistical reports show a direct correlation between a lack of keeping Family Purity to cancers of the uterus. Reports publicized in newspapers (which many people know about) prove clearly that not keeping Family Purity laws causes illnesses to the woman, her spouse, and children. Therefore, every doctor in Israel (even one who does not believe in Torah Law, per se) asks a woman if she keeps the laws of Family Purity when she comes in with a female illness.
The Creator conducts the world measure for measure. Every illness that comes upon a person is measure for measure according to what he damaged so he will know how to repent. In that vein, women who have illnesses of the female organs should first do Teshuva that they did not immerse in a mikva.
To be continued.
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