Our Only Hope
Rebbe Nachman of Breslev teaches that the most beautiful manifestation of emuna is when all of mankind calls Hashem’s name; then, something wonderful happens…
Rebbe Nachman of Breslev teaches us (see Likutei Moharan I:62) that the most beautiful manifestation of emuna in the world is when all of mankind will call Hashem’s name and serve Him.
Probably the most gratifying part of my demanding work as editor of Breslev Israel and as Rabbi Shalom Arush’s English-language mouthpiece around the globe is the privilege of developing bonds of friendship with some of the world’s finest people, representatives of all walks of life. This has been the result of Rabbi Shalom’s commitment to turn Rebbe Nachman’s dream into actuality, when all of mankind tastes the sweetness of emuna and calls Hashem’s name.
Rebbe Nachman foresaw the only way to bring peace to the world. Allow me to share a very special letter we received last week from “Abu Jalad,” a leading journalist from Qatar and a devout Sufi Moslem:
Dear Breslev Israel,I became drawn to your superb website after having read the serial form of the Garden of Emuna book by Rabbi Arush. This book is brilliant – there is virtually nothing that a Sufi Moslem can be offended by. Indeed, the book helps all of us strengthen our connection with The Almighty One.For your information, Sufi Islam condemns terrorism in all its forms, whether political, cultural, intellectual, or ideological. It also recognizes and stresses the common heritage of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. We support peace, wherever it exists, and the precept of “justice for all,” condemning all violations of human rights. In addition, we are not affiliated with any government, political party, or political agenda.As a news editor and as a Sufi, I often walk a thin line. Yet, a responsible God-fearing journalist must be courageous in taking responsibility for shaping the future of the rest of the world. Many want to destroy it. Few are seekers of truth. As followers of Rebbe Nachman, you would be true partners in building the bridge of peace on a worldwide scale.May we be courageous enough to develop a meaningful dialogue for the benefit of all. Most sincerely, Abu Jalad
If a voice from Qatar is not enough, here’s a voice from South Africa:
Dear Breslev Israel,I am 41 years old and a former Catholic. I spent many years of my life studying Christian theology, praying, and spreading Christian doctrine as a member of a Catholic religious order. There were many things in the Christian doctrine that I could not explain to the children I taught, despite my degree in Theology. They just didn’t make sense to me. I struggled with many doctrinal issues, but I also felt that I was too much of a sinner to be a good example to others. I felt like a hypocrite and abandoned Christianity and started a new life. I subsequently led a very immoral life, devoid of G-d, and I submitted to all the evil urges that were thrown at me. I gradually became g-odless, empty, depressed, and could find no joy in anything I did.A few months ago I went through a very difficult patch. My family’s finances and my health were in a very serious state. So I did what I’ve always done in times of despair. I turned to G-d for help. My faith in G-d used to reignite whenever things got so bad that I had no one else to turn to. I came across www.breslev.com and Rabbi Arush’s “The Garden of Emuna”. The words this Rabbi wrote have filled me with faith. I am filled with hope and am learning to put all my trust in Hashem. I know everything happens for the best and that even the bad patch I am going through is tailor-made by Him for my own good. This has given me such hope and inner peace. Through your articles on your website and on breslev.com, G-d has restored my faith in Him. I just want to thank you so very much for the work that you do. I now understand how Israel is used by G-d to be a light to the rest of us. You are helping not only your fellow Jews, but also non-Jews like me. I want to thank you for helping me just when I needed it most. G-d bless you for the good you have done for me. With many thanks, Martin Ramos, South Africa
The two letters presented to you above show what we’re all about here at Breslev Israel. Spreading the light of emuna is the only chance we have to turn the swords into plowshares and salvage this troubled world of ours.
You can share in Tikkun Olam, in correcting the world. Become a partner in Breslev Israel’s emuna outreach – you’ll never regret it.
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