Rosh Chodesh Nissan: Pray for Mashiach

On Rosh Chodesh Nissan, the first day of the Jewish month of Nissan, God decides if Mashiach will come this year.

2 min

Rabbi Shalom Arush

Posted on 09.04.24

This year, Rosh Chodesh (the first day of the month) Nissan falls on sunset 08-Apr.


Although on Rosh Hashanah Hashem judges the entire earth, there are other judgements that take place during the year. For instance, on Tu B’Shevat, Hashem judges the trees and their produce. On Rosh Chodesh Nissan, God judges all the kings, and all the rulers – from the biggest, to the smallest. On this day, God decides who will be king, who will be President (yes, the elections are predetermined to some extent!), and who will be Prime Minister. God also decides who will be a manager, and who will be a Rosh Yeshiva or Rosh Kollel. All forms and manners of leaders and leadership are determined on this day, for the rest of the year, until the next Rosh Chodesh Nissan!


Every year, I recommend to set aside a good chunk of time to pray that this year, Hashem should decide that it’s time for Mashiach to be King this year – preferably a full 6 hours of hitbodedut (personal prayer) just on this topic. This year, it’s not a recommendation – it’s a requirement!


We need Mashiach to come now very badly. Every single one of us needs to pray and ask Hashem to have mercy on us, and bring the Redemption now, with mercy – without wars, without atom bombs, and without terror attacks. We need to ask Hashem to reveal His Kingship over the entire world, and that everyone should recognize that Hashem is indeed the One, only and true G-d, and get rid of all their various forms of worshiping anything and anyone else.


We have been praying for this, and hoping for this, for thousands of years! All the more so, now that it is all in the process of unfolding, we have to really pray for it even more!


Use your precious time to pray! Say Psalms, say Psalms for the Jewish people, do hitbodedut, learn Torah – and pray for Mashiach! Even if you are overwhelmed with the children at home, still do your best to make some time every day, and especially – TODAY!


Don’t ask for Mashiach because you want to be saved from your next mortgage payment. Ask for Mashiach because you truly want Hashem’s Kingship to be revealed. Pray not for yourself, but for Hashem (so to speak) – to reveal His true will in the world, in His mercy, even though we don’t deserve it. Hashem suffers along with us, in all of our pain, in our fear and worry, in our trials and tribulations, and especially with all the suffering we bring upon ourselves with our own lack of emuna and trust in God. Ask Hashem to have mercy and ease His own pain, and bring the Redemption now with mercy, and give everyone emuna and daat (holy knowledge). Ask Hashem to bring the Redemption not because we deserve it, but because He is merciful, and His true will is to build the world more and more, not destroy it.


Hashem doesn’t waste time bringing blessings into the world. In the year that Hashem will decide to bring Mashiach on Rosh Chodesh Nissan – Mashiach will come already that year, in that same month, in Nissan! As the verse says, “The Jewish people were redeemed in Nissan – and in Nissan, they will be redeemed.” (Rosh Hashanah 11a)


It should be God’s will to decide this year on Rosh Chodesh to bring Mashiach and the Final Redemption, this year, by Erev Passover! Amen!

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