Exercise 4: Free Choice for the Past

Recognize that your mistakes were because of a lack of knowledge and sufficient prayer. Ask Hashem to help you accept your past without blame or sadness.

2 min

Rabbi Shalom Arush

Posted on 04.07.24

Exercise 4 builds on the three previous exercises: 

  1. 2 minutes continuing to pray on Exercise 1 – Praying that Hashem loves me even if I do the worst sins. I simply made a mistake and I can repent. Hashem will never give up on me.  

  1. 2 minutes continuing to pray on Exercise 2 – Praying for emuna to really believe Ein Od Milvado – There is only Hashem. No one can harm me unless it is the will of Hashem. Whatever happened until now is from Hashem.  

  1. 2 minutes continuing to pray on Exercise 3 – Praying for my free choice for the future. The way a person wants to go is the way he is led, so pray on what and who you want to be. To ask Hashem to truly believe that all the deficiencies that we have just show that we haven’t prayed enough – and to get to work praying about all our lackings 

  1. 11 minutes on free choice in the past.The reason why people fall into despair, and the reason why people unfortunately give up on serving Hashem altogether, is only because they don’t understand the truth explained in this exercise! 
    Now that you recognize that your mistakes  and sins were because of a lack of knowledge and sufficient prayer, now you can forgive yourself for your mistakes in the past. Now, pray to Hashem to help you recognize that you failed because you didn’t pray enough for Hashem’s help! Ask Hashem to help you accept your past without self-blame or sadness. Pray about properly re-framing your past with eyes of emuna. 
    Recognize that from the moment that you start to pray every day for something, it’s already considered to be yours in the Heavenly Court – but you don’t know how long it will take for you to change in function down here on Earth, and actually see the desired changes in your life. In the meantime, just keep praying, don’t give up and stay happy, knowing that Hashem understands that the path to real change is anything but instant. And now when you’ll achieve that thing, you’ll get it without the arrogance of thinking you did it yourself.  

  2. Someone who has true daat – holy knowledge – understand that anything that you receive without prayer will ultimately harm you because you received it with arrogance!  
  3. Why 11 minutes? Because now you get to 17 minutes of personal prayer, which is the gematria of “tov” – good. 


To read more about this concept, click  here.


Don’t forget – Happiness is the basis of everything! Emuna cannot exist while in a state of sadness. Happiness is becoming close to Hashem, while sadness is leaving Hashem. 

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