Dr. Emuna: You CAN Heal
No matter what the doctors tell you, you CAN heal from abuse, trauma, PTSD, anxiety, and depression. Hundreds of people have already done so, and you can too!

In the Dr. Emuna series, I have covered a lot of foundational topics on emotional and physical health. Now, I want to dig deeper, with a mini-series on healing even severe emotional ills like trauma and PTSD with emuna. Although I am using this as the example, everything here will also help anyone suffering from anxiety, depression, or other emotional ills just as much.
I want to make sure that you respect yourself in this work. Take the time to think and pray about what you learn. If you feel that you are getting triggered – STOP. Step back, relax, use your grounding tools, and come back to the topic later.
Nothing gets healed when you are overwhelmed or shut down – nor can you connect to Hashem and Hashem’s love in such a state. As I have repeated over and over – Rebbe Nachman teaches that the biggest medicine is happiness. Conversely, all sickness comes from sadness and bitterness. Therefore, you need to maintain your emotional keel and keep connecting to Hashem, emuna and happiness. If you can’t keep it up – take a break. Stop, and go back to simply thanking Hashem for the obvious good in your life and come back to the happiness. Get back to really feeling how much Hashem took care of you then, and now. Then, come back to the difficult topic tomorrow.
As I covered in Every Healing Has Its Time, you’ll need patience for this work. There certainly might be people who will experience a sudden healing, especially for less severe trauma. However, expect that just as it may have been years of trauma to get you into your current state, it will also take some time to get you out of it. Hashem knows the pace at which you can heal, and it will be only good for you.
This applies also to medicines that you may be taking. I certainly pray and expect that you should be able to slowly take yourself off them, but no drastic steps should be taken at any point. Don’t push ahead and expect results. Rather, as you see results, and you experience in real time that you don’t need the medicine as much, only then step down. Pray about any change you want to make and be open that the answer might be to wait a bit longer.
Oftentimes, real healing is much more than just taking away symptoms – it is about changing the broken worldviews you walk around with. These things simply take time. Be patient with the process – YOUR process – and strengthen your emuna that Hashem is helping you step by step in the best way possible. Many times, a major improvement in symptoms only happens after a big “aha” moment where you realize that you need to change some broken belief about yourself or the world. As you adjust, the emotional changes naturally bring about the improvement in your overall condition.
The key is slowly, but surely, and most importantly – WITH PRAYER. You cannot hope to heal without Hashem, and as Rabbi Arush quips: “With prayer, with Hashem. Without prayer, without Hashem.” First you need to have a basis in personal prayer and speaking with Hashem and have a true “working relationship” with God before you can tackle something gigantic like this. If you want to dive right in and take your first steps in personal prayer – that’s OK but expect to put in more time initially to read up and make sure that you Don’t Skip Steps. As Rabbi Arush explains in Rabbi Arush Teaches Us a Shortcut, there are no real short cuts in life. But there are short paths – the fastest way to truly fix a problem. You will also find some practical tips and tricks in my previous article, Just Do It.
Remember – you can read a million articles and books but until you start implementing these ideas in your own personal prayer, nothing significant is going to change. When you commit to healing, you are committing to daily prayer on this topic. Any amount will help, but Rabbi Arush lays down 30 minutes daily as the absolute minimum required. He promises that with half an hour a day, you can fix any problem or change any bad character trait, if you will just keep going and not give up! The more time you invest, the faster you will see real change.
You will also need a strong foundation of all the teachings of Rabbi Arush that you are taking with you into your work. The program I am going to outline is based on the totality of Rabbi Arush’s teachings and applies them to this particular subject. You’ll want to have read, or be reading, The New and Expanded Garden of Emuna and Say Thank You and See Miracles in particular.
The most important thing I want to emphasize is that there is healing. The doctors and psychologists out there will tell you that it is not possible to heal from trauma; the best you can do is learn to manage the fallout. That might be true according to nature, but with emuna there is no nature. God created you, He created the trauma, and He is also perfectly capable of healing it. Connect to Hashem and connect yourself to the possibility of real healing!
You might be reading this up until now and think to yourself: “She calls herself ‘Dr. Emuna,’ but she has got no letters after her name. What does she know about healing trauma? She can’t imagine what I have been through...”
Rabbi Nachman is called “the doctor of the soul” for good reason. Rabbi Arush has condensed those teachings and put them into simple language for our generation, and most importantly, applies them to the ills of our generation.
There are already scores of stories that Rabbi Arush has received about people just like you who really did apply these teachings even to the worst trauma and people with a wide range of diagnoses, and Hashem really did heal them. Suffice to say, I am one of those people. I am still very much in my process, and yet, I have already seen many miracles along the way. I knew I had made real progress when an expert trained in recognizing survivors exclaimed to me, “I would have never known!” I am going to cover Rabbi Arush’s teachings step by step, along with personal stories and experiences from myself and others, in order to help you apply them properly and G-d willing see amazing results too!
Rachel Avrahami grew up in Los Angeles, CA, USA in a far off valley where she was one of only a handful of Jews in a public high school of thousands. She found Hashem in the urban jungle of university. Rachel was privileged to read one of the first copies of The Garden of Emuna in English, and the rest, as they say, is history. She made Aliyah and immediately began working at Breslev Israel.
Rachel is now the Editor of Breslev Israel’s English website. She welcomes questions and comments to her email: rachel.avrahami@breslev.co.il.
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