Real Solutions to Your Problems

Don’t just cover over your problems, creating a host of new problems in the wake of your attempted “solution.” Fix the problems at their source, and fix them forever...

4 min

Rivka Levy

Posted on 28.05.23

The single best way to maximize your GodJuice is to talk to God on a regular basis, preferably every single day.  

Now, I know that’s a big deal, and a big commitment, but here’s the deal: If you don’t put God in the picture, nothing else you do, health-wise, is going to work so well. Yes, I know it often appears as though all the other tools for dealing with anxiety, depression, anger, or physical illnesses work just fine by themselves, but if you look closer, you’ll see that it’s really not true.  

Let’s take a few common examples:  

Mr. A takes the medication prescribed by his doctor to deal with his depression and anxiety – and ends up with a slew of other problems to deal with, including loss of libido, weight gain and problems sleeping. Why? Because the medication upset the careful balance in Mr. A’s biochemistry, leading to a bunch of other health issues and problems. The problem didn’t really get resolved, it just got shifted downstream. 

Or, let’s say Mrs. B goes the therapy route to try to deal with her chronic anger. She believes her horrible boss is the trigger for her rage attacks and spends months and maybe even years working it through with her therapist. At the end of the process, she can handle her boss amazingly well – but now her kids are driving her up the wall. 

This applies to any healing art you care to mention, from surgery to acupuncture to tapping to Energy Medicine – and everything else in between. Either the solution doesn’t work at all, or it doesn’t work so well, or the ‘problem’ just pops up in some other place, instead. 

Why? Because without God in the picture, you often get stuck on the externals, or symptoms of the problem, without really getting close to their inner dimension. If you haven’t dealt with the root cause of why Hashem is sending you whatever problem you have, and what Hashem wants you to learn from it – then when you solve the problem, Hashem will simply send you a different wake-up call. Generally speaking, the wake-up calls only get louder and more difficult, until you can’t ignore that it’s Hashem behind them anymore. We want to cut the cycle and its root. 

The real root of all your emotional and physical problems is spiritual, i.e., God is causing you difficulties in order to get you to change or fix something in yourself and in your life. When you really start living the reality that God is behind every single detail in your life, from the smallest to the largest, from the cuddliest and cutest to the scariest – that’s when you’ll truly start to find fast, permanent and effective cures to all of your emotional and physical health issues. 

Defusing Negative Emotions 

As you spend more time talking to God about what’s really going on in your life and inside your head, negative emotions like fear, anxiety, anger and hatred can start to disappear pretty darned fast. But that doesn’t mean that you’re always going to be instantly happy about everything that happens to you, or that these negative emotions will simply vanish in a puff of smoke, never to return. 

Like most things of value, permanently defusing your negative emotions is a long process. Even if you’ve been working on your GodJuice for a while, you’ll probably still freak out when you hear about the latest terrorist attack; you’ll probably still feel panic when your husband gets laid off at work; and you’ll probably still hate the old friend who stabbed you in the back – but instead of stewing over that stuff for weeks, months or even years, now you’ll be able to take all those disturbing things back to God and diffuse them much faster. 

When you do that on a regular basis, you’ll find that God starts helping you to clear out all those negative experiences, reactions and feelings much faster, so they don’t get a chance to dig in and do some permanent damage to your health and well-being. 

Once you start talking to God on a regular basis, instead of panicking for three days, you’ll just panic for three minutes. Instead of feeling like you’re going to throw up from nerves, you’ll just feel a bit dry-mouthed. Instead of being unable to sleep for months, you’ll have one rough night, discuss it with God the next day, and then feel so much better. 

GodJuice is the Only Real Solution 

Regular doses of GodJuice help you to detox your soul from negative feelings and bad characteristics for the following reasons: 

1) God Can Actually Solve Your Problems 

A great reason for talking to God is that He is the only One who can really solve your problems – not just band-aid over them or put aloe-vera gel on to soothe them. 

Serious difficulties and problems will still cause you a lot of physical stress and emotional strain, no matter what you’re trying to do to calm yourself down and cope with it all. 

But when you talk to God about it all, it doesn’t just make you feel better because you have a shoulder to cry on. It can also solve your problem for you, when nothing else can. Stories abound of people getting miracle cures, miracle money and miracle solutions after they spent even just a little bit of time working on their relationship with Hashem and boosting the amount of GodJuice in their lives. 

2) It Helps You Work Out What’s Really Going On in Your Head 

As we mentioned earlier, most people have a blind spot when it comes to identifying their own flaws, bad behavior and inappropriate reactions. When you make an effort to talk to God about the stuff that’s going on in your life, it helps you to develop more objectivity about what you may need to work on or change about yourself. 

3) You Get a Lot of Heavenly Help to Find Solutions to Your Problems 

When you get God involved in finding a solution to your problems, health-related or otherwise, you can be sure that the solutions you discover will be fast, easy and effective. When you don’t get God involved, you can end up going around in circles for years, fruitlessly trying to resolve your anger problem or your anxiety problem without ever really discovering the true cause of your negative emotions. 

As the old adage goes, an accurate diagnosis is more than half the cure. 

Next week, I will go into practical tips on how to speak to Hashem every day in a way that’s scientifically proven to work. 


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