Mashiach’s Dilemma
Everybody expects that when Mashiach comes, he's going to straighten out the other side, the wrong side. The other guys. Then everybody will fall into line according to my way…
The question that periodically pops into my mind is, “When is Mashiach going to come?” And judging from what I see and read, it’s on a lot of other people’s minds as well. So I’d like to share some thoughts I’ve had on the subject recently.
Regarding Mashiach’s coming, some commentators say the world will be different; some, like the Rambam, say it will be the same. Most people believe there will be unprecedented miracles and wondrous events. Many, if not all, say that the Jewish People will make teshuva, we’ll all return to Israel, and the Third and Final Holy Temple will be built.
Let’s look at all that happening with the current state of affairs. Everywhere you look within the Jewish world (and the world at large) today, there is strife. I’m talking about politics, social living, religion – in short, all the human interactions. The Conservative Right vs. the Liberal Left. The Chareidim vs. the Secular Israelis. Open Orthodoxy vs. Traditional Orthodoxy. Pro-abortion vs. Pro-Life. Pride vs. anti-homosexual activities. No matter what the belief, stance, position is, the message is the same. The other side is wrong and they need to change! I’m doing things the right way. So everybody expects that when Mashiach comes, he’s going to straighten out the other side, the wrong side. The other guys. Then everybody will fall into line according to my way. The right way.
How is Mashiach supposed to accomplish that? Is that what the miracles are for? If history is any indication, the first time Mashiach tries to tell somebody they’re wrong and they need to change, he’s gonna end up in jail like Jeremiah, watching civilization crumble down all around him.
So what’s Mashiach gonna do? What’s he waiting for? I’d like to suggest that he’s in fact waiting for the Jewish people to learn Emuna. That’s what Rebbe Nachman says in Likutei Moharan I:7. I don’t mean the easy Emuna that Hashem exists and created the world. I mean the nitty-gritty, tough-to-believe Emuna that Hashem runs the entire world. Each and every person in the world is under His control. Each and every person gets to experience their own free will. But each and every person needs to look at the entire rest of the world as under His domain. Why is this important? What does this accomplish?
Having the idea of complete Emuna in my head teaches me that the world is in fact NOT broken. Emuna says that the entire world is perfect and doing exactly what Hashem wants it do each and every moment. It’s being a perfect reflection of what’s broken in me! The whole world is my mirror! If I have a problem with any person, group, or situation, that is Hashem’s way of telling me He’s got a problem with me. Something that I need to change about me. A character defect. A manifestation of a lack of Emuna in my heart.
Every character defect I see in a person or people are a reflection of my own defects of character. Emuna teaches me that the only one who needs to change is me. Jewish law follows the majority opinion. I want to suggest that Mashiach will come only after the majority of Jews believe at least intellectually in Emuna. Then he’ll have something to work with. When the majority of Jews see something wrong in the world and realize that they’re the ones who need to change, they’ll seek out Mashiach. They’ll seek out the tzaddik to help them make change in themselves. And Mashiach, who’s main weapon is prayer, will teach them how to talk to Hashem to affect that change, in themselves.
The world will still be the same. Events will still happen the same. But we will be different. We will react differently. We’ll start to take responsibility for our own mistakes and wrongs instead of blaming others. We’ll take action to change ourselves. Through prayer. Through good deeds. Through better living with Hashem in our minds and our hearts.
The rest of the world will then be able to learn this from us, the Jewish people. Every man and woman will start looking to admit only their faults and take responsibility for their actions. They’ll start to speak with Hashem and affect change in themselves. Then one day, long in the future, we’ll get to go back into the Garden. The one we got kicked out of. Not because we ate from a certain tree. But because we failed to take responsibility for our actions. We blamed others. We blamed Hashem. We had lost our Emuna. May Hashem help us find it again soon!
answer for personal question
Yes I am their son. I can be contacted at pinchaswolman@gmail.com
Yes I am their son. I can be contacted at pinchaswolman@gmail.com
personal question for Pinney
Pinney are you Sam and Shirley Wolman's son?