Ten Essential Life Lessons
Gedale Fenster presents us with ten priceless lessons to expand our da'at – our higher knowledge – and to aid us in clarifying our vision and moving towrad our goals…
Transcribed by Devora Shifrin
All suffering stems from a lack of Da’at (Higher Knowledge). Below are 10 priceless lessons to expand your Da’at, to clarify your vision, and move you toward your goals.
1. Someone else’s capacity to love you, does not determine how lovable you are. The way that others treat you is merely a reflection of how they view themselves. Understand that although a situation may happen to you, it may not be about you. Question the thoughts that keep you from taking chances and approaching life with the full force of your abilities.
2. Release yourself from the prison of how you think others may perceive you, as they are likely too busy wondering how others perceive them.
3. Mind over mood! Take control of your life. Uplift and transform your identity by allowing your decisions to determine your emotions, rather than allowing your mood to dictate your actions. Prepare for the resistance that comes along with getting out of your comfort zone. Use the resistance to strengthen your resolve of succeeding in your objective.
4. When faced with adversity or disappointment, reframe your approach and explore other avenues by inviting God into the dark spaces of your reality.
5. Be open to change and receptive of honest feedback. The outlook of others will help you to expand your vision and guide you toward improving your character.
6. Remain steadfast in your values, regardless of the expectation of others, especially when looking for your soulmate. Although there may be pressure to indulge in the physical aspects of dating, remain true to your purpose by connecting to the soul of the other person; rather than clouding your perception with the chemical reactions of physical intimacy, and the spiritual husks that are formed as a result of these relations outside of marriage.
7. A wise man, is one who learns from others. Each person has a unique perspective. Become open to revising your mindset to expand your worldview by learning from each person that you encounter.
8. Either you win, or you learn. Fail fast, often. Enjoy the good days while they last and find the good in the hard days in between.
9. Focus on what your purpose is in this world, because it is only in the pursuit of your purpose that you will find happiness. The path toward your unique mission is paved with prayer, the most effective vehicle to guiding you on the correct road.
10. Tolerate the unexpected. The future is unpredictable, and challenges will be ever present. Trust that every situation is designed for your ultimate benefit and find what to be grateful for as the changes come your way.
Anxiety and despair perpetuate detrimental behavior. It’s important to bounce back quickly and recognize that the essence of Emunah is understanding that we don’t truly understand, thereby identifying the limitation of human perception. We can choose to mindfully respond to each situation, by tapping into our faith and trust that each obstacle has been uniquely designed for our ultimate benefit.
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About Gedale Fenster – Gedale Fenster, a Miami-based entrepreneur and motivational speaker, is the founder and CEO of the People’s Insurance Claim Center and Evolutions Treatment Center. He has also established the Breslov Center, where he teaches. He hosts a series of daily and weekly online lectures at http://www.gedalefenster.com/
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