The Great American Sifting

Usually you hear about the “Great American Melting Pot” now called the “Salad bowl”. But after Trump’s huge MAGA win – it's about the sifter, and it’s coming from God Himself... 

5 min

Rachel Avrahami

Posted on 18.11.24

It seems that America is more united than anyone envisioned – united for democracy against “Bidenomics” aka Marxism, united for change, united to bring America back to the great country it once was. 


Nonetheless, the two sides are extremely polarized, and the entire country has been shaken up – and more  might still be yet to come. 


Some people, like this post on X quoting President Grant about “traitors versus patriots” makes a bold and perhaps not so untrue statement about the state of affairs between the MAGA crowd and those who support a “democracy” run according to the ways and means of communism. And this video which went viral shared by none other than Elon Musk about the patriots in blue cities and states


There is even this woman who is cutting ties with her parents and says “take me out of your will” because they voted for Trump. There are also videos circling of liberals who have decided to divorce their spouse who admitted to voting for Trump.  


Interestingly enough, the lies, hate, and propaganda war leveled at President Trump are strikingly similar to the antisemitic “anti-Zionist” hate leveled at Jews around the world, and especially at Israel and Israelis. Now I’m not trying to say that every MAGA patriot or Republican is not an antisemite, which is certainly not true. They have come out particularly strong lately as Trump chooses his Cabinet, which includes an impressive list of pro-Israel leaders, by citing that clearly Trump is “Israel first” instead of “America first” and other such drivel.  


Either way, we definitely see the same spin and defamation happening against both Trump and Israel. Just look at the mainstream media headlines – the only time you’ll see anything as close to the kind of spin spun on Israel is with Trump. My all-time favorites being the headlines like “Trump falls to the floor” after the first assassination attempt. Furthermore, the connection between antisemitism and the Democrats who let left-wing fanatics get away with literal murder and much more has become so strong that it pushed droves of previously staunch Democratic-voting Jews to vote for Trump. Just look at the long roster of Democrats who boycotted Prime Minister Netanyahu’s recent historic speech to Congress. 


The nail in the coffin is the connection between left-wing liberals, feminists, queers, and more to clearly anti-Semitic bias has come into the spotlight since the atrocities of Oct. 7. In addition to nutjobs like “Queers for Palestine, the “Me too unless you’re a Jew” has simply become too obvious to miss, again forcing many Jews to significantly rethink their alignments. In many cases, they didn’t just rethink them – they were literally forced out! The cherry on top is the blatant display of Palestinian flags and watermelons, and “Free Palestine” gear – which let’s face it, is just a PC way to say, “Kill the Jews.” 


As Nissim Black commented in a recent video, it has come down to a simple war between good and evil, and everyone is being forced if not to vote, then to choose a side. I’ve even seen some people saying “MASA” – Make America Sane Again. Insanity has become the norm, and the average Joe is labeled a “white supremacist” or even a Nazi. People are getting sued for saying “sir” and everyone must note their pronouns – even Harris’ X account specifically states: “she/her.” Right, because we have male freaks singing in dresses and heels, and it’s impossible to know what’s what, even with the most basic reality of this world, which is gender. Don’t even get me started on the evil child abuse called “gender affirming care.” It’s wacko, insane, and downright evil.  


So, it’s not just about whoever you voted for, but about WHAT you voted for. Gender affirming care, or traditional gender roles and family values? Capitalism, or Marxism/Communism? Justice, or lawfare? The list goes on and on. 


Rabbi Shalom Arush has commented a few times recently that all of this is part of the final birur, or spiritual clarification, that is mentioned in Kabbalah and takes place just before the Final Redemption. Everyone is being forced to choose a side, and no one can stay on the fence. Ultimately, the source of “Judeo-Christian values” is the Torah, which was written by God Himself. Although there are indeed lots of important details and differences, right now God is asking every human on the planet – ARE YOU WITH ME, OR AGAINST ME? 


Thank God, Trump survived that assassination attempt. But part of the necessity of the miracle might just have been that without Trump alive, that choice might not have come out in such glaring technicolor. And God needs to force us all to take a stand and choose our side, and in doing so, choose our reward and place as the world remakes itself into the full Redemption of the Jewish people. 


Hence, America is going through a huge sifter, to shake out people to their core and ask them to choose which side they are on.  


Ultimately, the final decisions lie in the hands of the Ultimate Judge, Hashem, who can see deeply into the human heart and know not only a person’s deeds, but more importantly, their will. Certainly, choosing to be with or against God’s chosen people, the Jewish people, is going to be a large factor in the final determination. But choosing sanity and morals en masse has got to be a good start for America.  


Addendum: I think who I voted for is probably pretty obvious. However, I feel it important to share my voting story with you because it’s shocking.  


I received my paper mail in ballot in Israel on 11/12/24. Since I did not receive a paper ballot in anything close to enough time to return it by snail mail, I faxed in my ballot and signed ballot oath at approximately 9AM Pacific time on November 5, 2024 – well before the 8PM deadline.  


A full week after the election, I called the hotline to find out why my ballot still hadn’t been accepted on the California ballot-tracking system.  


The woman on the recorded line took all my information and then said, “Well you’re not going to like this, but your ballot was returned today, 11/12.” Yes, my solid red ballot was “returned”, and she stressed that it will not be counted. 


I asked, “I sure hope this is a recorded line because not counting my vote is illegal.” She said, “I know it’s illegal.” 


I also asked if the system had a comment if it was rejected for a reason, like unmatching signature or something – she said there is NO COMMENT about why it was returned – they didn’t even try to make a lame excuse why they won’t count it! 


I asked if there was anything to do about it, and she said no. No appeals, no nothing – it won’t be counted, and that’s final. 


When I asked for the woman’s name for my records, she hung up the phone on me… I don’t blame her. She’s worried about getting in trouble with her bosses for telling me the truth. I’m sure our recorded conversation will get erased real fast. 


About five hours later, I received an automated email saying that my ballot had been received and counted… how convenient. But when I try to confirm that on Ballottrax – it gives me an outright error. I’m sure “they” are working to figure out how to trick the system into saying my ballot was counted when it wasn’t… I admit that I was nervous that my faxed ballot would be copied honestly, but this is far beyond what I imagined possible. 


I will add that my vote is within Los Angeles County, which is about as deep blue as it gets. Clearly, it’s less deep blue than they want to admit, or they wouldn’t work so hard to erase any red ink that shows up… 


Ultimately, I voted because I wanted to be able to say in the Next World that I did mine to stand up for what’s right, whatever the results. And that, they can’t take away from me. 



Rachel Avrahami grew up in Los Angeles, CA, USA in a far-off valley where she was one of only a handful of Jews in a public high school of thousands. She found Hashem in the urban jungle of the university. Rachel was privileged to read one of the first copies of The Garden of Emuna in English, and the rest, as they say, is history. She made Aliyah and immediately began working at Breslev Israel.   
Rachel is now the Editor of Breslev Israel’s English website. She welcomes questions, comments, articles, and personal stories to her email: 

Tell us what you think!

1. Batya Ayala


I believe you cannot fax in an absentee ballot. Mine (New York) had clear instructions not only for mailing, but also for using a specific type of envelope and placing the ballot within the envelope in a specific way. That may be the reason your ballot was not counted.

2. Ruth Cohen


Hi-I also had a similar incident with my son’s ballot in LA County. After he was registered, they told me he wasn’t because he hadn’t signed his signature (not true, he did!). We sent it again and there was NO response. My whole family voted for Trump. Not surprising.

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