What Would King David Do?
Jews all around the world are facing unprecedented dangers. Jews outside of Israel face waves of antisemitism while Jews in Eretz Yisrael face outright extermination. Both dangers are existential. King David faced such threats throughout his life – what advice would he give us today?

The Jewish people are facing many difficult and painful challenges. King David was certainly no stranger to tribulations and dangers. What would King David do if he were alive today?
King David’s Secret
In the book of Psalms, we can find his secret to success. What was the approach he applied to navigate through troubled waters and attain miraculous salvations?
The path of emuna I have chosen. Psalm 119:30
Frequently David expresses his complete faith and trust in Hashem. He knows that Hashem is always with Him and feels His presence up close and personal. This gives him strength and courage to persevere.
Of course, David makes his personal efforts to better his situation but, in his mind and heart, he is relying solely on Hashem. By virtue of this complete trust and reliance, he is confident that salvation will be sent by his loving Father in heaven.
I trust in your loving kindness; my heart will exalt in Your deliverance. I will sing to Hashem, for He has dealt kindly with me. Psalm 13:6
David is declaring his complete trust in Hashem, visualizing his salvation, and anticipating being able to thank Him. My heart is going to rejoice because I know salvation is coming!
Hashem wants a relationship with us, and He wants us to rely only on Him. When we do so we can be thankful for salvation even before it arrives.
Commit to Hashem your path; trust in Him and He will act on your behalf. Psalm 37.5
One who casts his burden upon Hashem, He will deliver him. Psalm 22:9
David advises that when we dedicate our lives to serving Hashem and trust in Him, we can be completely confident that He will provide the solutions we need. The more faith you have the more kindness you’ll receive. He acts to you in accordance with your faith and the extent to which you rely on Him.
Our Opportunity
Like King David we can benefit from this approach to a successful life. We can be calm and confident when faced with difficult challenges. The more we rely on Him the more He will bless us.
When we have chosen the path of emuna, how do we stay on it and make progress in our journey? Here are some suggestions:
- Maintain a regular emuna study program. Use books, articles, and podcasts. Strive to remember, internalize, and apply their teachings. I suggest keeping an emuna book next to your bed. Make sure that you do not go to sleep at night unless you have studied at least 5 minutes that day.
- Read the book of Psalms. Highlight phrases that resonate with you, giving you comfort and strength. Review these regularly.
- Make it a priority to notice and appreciate the many blessings and kindness that you receive from Hashem throughout the day that you might otherwise take for granted. Talk to Him and thank Him continuously. Gratitude builds and fortifies emuna by making you feel loved, cared for, watched over, and protected. Moreover, when we are faced with a challenge or tribulation, we realize that it’s being sent to us by the same One who is the Source of all our blessings. The Same One who nurtures and sustains us every day will get us through this challenge. In fact, the challenge is being sent by Hashem to bring us closer to Him.
- Pray to Hashem to develop simple, pure, and rock solid emuna. Emuna is above nature, and we can get there only with His help.
Choosing the path of emuna will imbue us with strength, optimism, courage, and clarity. This will empower us to perform at peak potential. Moreover, like King David, we can evoke Divine compassion and receive salvations above nature. May we see this in the days and weeks ahead.
Regardless of where you live, we are going through dark days individually and collectively.
This is really what we need – encouragement and a mindset of viewing our situation as an opportunity.