Religion, Politics, and Climate Change

Think climate change is just a political issue? Think again! Uncover how environmental appreciation bridges the divide between even the most polarized religious and political beliefs.

3 min

David Ben Horin

Posted on 27.08.24

“David, our shorelines are rising, carbon levels are approaching the toxic level, and soil is being depleted of nutrients. Unless we do something about climate change, we are all in trouble.” 


I was arguing with the only liberal progressive I can debate without going crazy.  


“But Mom, what about the people? Those proposed climate taxes may save the spotted owl, but it’s bad news for the people living on the earth.” 


She retorted, “Don’t you like the air you breathe? How about the bread you eat.” 


“Mom, I live in Afula. I see the wheat grow from small shoots to large stalks. The process is awe-inspiring. For every wheat seed we put in the ground, God gives us 40 seeds. It’s a beautiful world we live in.” 


“Which is why we should appreciate the gifts God gives us by taking care of them.” 


“Good point.” 


Our jaws dropped. 


“Mom, did I just invoke climate change?” 


“David, did I just invoke religion?” 



From Conflict to Harmony: Appreciation for Creation Brings Us Together 

The Lubavitcher Rebbe once said that when two people disagree, there are three outcomes: 

  1. They can agree to disagree. They might have enmity, but they both are still on opposite sides. 
  2. They can find where they agree and focus on that. But they are still on opposite sides in those areas where they still don’t see eye to eye. 
  3. They can realize that both of their “truths” are part of a much Higher Truth. Under this Divine umbrella, they are unified, even maintaining their uniqueness.  


Appreciating the environment exemplifies where we all fit inside God’s great Kingdom – where there is room for everyone!  By appreciating everything in the world Hashem creates, and gives to man, we are fulfilling the very purpose He created the world: To know Him.  


The greatest path to gratitude is by appreciating what’s all around us. In simply studying the plants, the flowers, the soil, how food is made, the ecosystems, mountains, valleys, oceans, lakes, and more, we discover God’s greatness.  


It took the sharpest minds thousands of years to learn about the complexity of the earth and we still haven’t scratched the surface. This complexity reveals the greatness of God – Who created all this wonder, beauty, and intricacy.  


A single flower creates leaves that transform carbon dioxide into air. It sprouts petals that give off a beautiful aroma, and that later fall off the stem to replenish the soil.  


We see the kindness of God, by giving us so much sublime beauty. He can create a world where the only thing that grows is sour prunes, and the only thing we need to sustain our bodies is sour prunes.  Instead, He gives us an infinite variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, water, and so much more so we can appreciate how much He loves us and how incredible His creations are.  


Blessings Reveal God’s Role in Nature’s Abundance 

When I eat an apple, I recite the blessing “Blessed are You God, our God, King of the universe, Who creates the fruit of the tree.” The statement literally says that Hashem is King over the world, and He creates the tree that grows from a seed to a giant structure, and then grows hundreds of apples from nothing — every year.  When I recite the blessing, I thank God for literally handing me an apple to eat.  


When I recite the blessing over French fries or a baked potato, I recite the blessing, “Blessed are You God, our God, King of the universe, Who creates the fruit of the ground.” The statement literally says that Hashem is King over the world, and He creates the plant that grows from a seed to a structure that emerges from a seed, and then grows hundreds of potatoes just once. The next year, an empty field will grow these structures again from nothing and emerge to produce more of the same potatoes.   When I recite the blessing, I thank God for literally handing me a plate of delicious French fries.  


It makes all the difference.  


Everything we eat comes from the earth. The earth that God creates. The earth that God causes to bring forth all the food that we eat.  


By expressing gratitude to Hashem for personally handing us an apple, potato, cup of coffee, or a bar of chocolate, we can appreciate God and the earth He gives us.  


This elevates His earth, His universe, and creates a greater climate for His creations.   



David Ben Horin lives in Afula with his family, millions of sunflowers, and Matilda, our local camel. David‘s Israeli startup, 300 Marketing Solutions, is a lean marketing agency for startups and small businesses that creates and promotes SEO-optimized ROI-driven to the right audience on LinkedIn to make your business the star of the show. 

Tell us what you think!

1. "Mom"


Great discussion. Everybody should view it in this way. We’re blessed with the Earth and all her bounty – it’s time to take it seriously..

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