Biden is Out – WHO IS IN?
Biden seceded from the Presidential race amid so much controversy, and we’re all wondering – what happens next?

Joe Biden seceded from the 2024 presidential race via X social network over the weekend. In the meantime, Biden finally gave a proper address to the nation about his decision. Well, actually he didn’t talk about his decision much at all. He was clearly reading (or attempting to read) from a teleprompter (if you look carefully, you can see it reflecting in the window behind him on his right) and frankly looked totally spaced out.
That’s besides the multiple lies he touted, such as Jan. 6 being the biggest attack on democracy since the civil war (Pearl Harbor and 9/11 don’t count?). Another example is his claim of having fewer illegal border crossings during his administration than Trump’s. (Do I even have to bring proof for that outrageous lie when his administration has let in millions of typically single, male “asylum seekers”?).
When President Lyndon B. Johnson decided not to run again for President, he gave a 40-minute address to the nation. Biden could hardly hobble through a 6-minute video, with some sentences making absolutely no sense.
With all this, many people are correctly asking the million-dollar question: Clearly Biden isn’t capable of doing much of anything – so who exactly IS running the country?
And the follow-up question: Clearly Jill Biden, Kamala Harris, and others have been covering up for Biden’s decline – shouldn’t they be held accountable for lying to the nation about Biden’s mental capabilities?
Furthermore, for years already the mainstream media (MSM) has called anyone who questioned his sanity a “conspiracy theorist” or “alarmist” while doing everything possible to aid in the cover-up.
Indian-American businessman-turned-politician Vivek said it best in November when he looked at the camera and asked, “We all know Joe Biden isn’t actually going to be on the ticket come next November, so please, Democrats, tell us who actually is?”
Personally, I called it months ago that Biden was going to drop out – but not until it was so late in the election cycle that no new primaries could be held, thus trumping the democratic election cycle and allowing the same Democrats who scream that Trump is a threat to democracy, to un-democratically select the next Democratic nominee for President.
I’ve also seen some interesting comments that first the Democrats tried to throw Trump in jail, then they tried to kill him, and then when all else failed, they took out Biden instead. Hard to know if Joe Biden (or potentially, Jill Biden) was really prepared to drop out and just claimed to refuse to step down in order to buy time… or if the Democratic party thrust the decision on them when they realized that Biden had virtually no hope of winning. Either way, the decision was about as un-democratic as anyone could ever imagine – making the most important election in the world completely disconnected from the voters and making the democratic election process undermine all democracy.
Nor is the decision final – many people, including myself, doubt Harris will end up as the Democratic candidate because she is about the only person hated more than Biden! Obama has not endorsed Harris and granted his clear power behind the scenes (proven by a Biden Cabinet that many call Obama’s 3rd Term) it’s quite possible we’re in for more fireworks as Michelle Obama is installed as the candidate instead of Harris.
Even worse, the world came just 1 centimeter away from Trump’s assassination. There are a lot of questions and theories about how such a thing could happen, especially when the snipers knew where the gunman was but didn’t shoot him even when he opened fire! Rather, an SS agent shot the gunman dead in a much harder shot from the podium. Had the assassination succeeded, G-d forbid, then this Presidential election would have featured nominees from BOTH parties who had been selected – not elected!
As an American, just these raw facts (even without all the additional questions and conspiracy theories surrounding them) are absolutely terrifying. What exactly happened to the Democratic ideals I was raised on? How has the Democratic party become power hungry mongers who seem to be prepared to hold onto their power basically at all costs and frauds? How is it that the most common-sense legislation requiring proof of citizenship to vote (which should already be on the books 50 years ago) is being fought by many democrats? And what on earth do Americans do now?
Add in the abysmal state of the country, such as illegal immigrants who are draining the country of its resources to care for its actual citizens, raping and killing its girls, and issuing terror threats to Jews and all US citizens. In addition, there is rampant inflation, and so much more – I’ve come to a place where I am frozen in fear.
Now add in the terrible stakes for the world hanging on this election. Just a few examples include:
- deterrence of Iran with crushing financial sanctions by Trump, versus continued sanction waivers by Biden and Harris
- deterrence of antisemitic and anti-American incitement to violence being paraded as “protests” (often by non-citizens) by Trump, versus encouragement of said protests by Harris
- support of Israel’s existential war with an “iron fist” approach by Trump, versus “supportive” talk while withholding weapons, effectively tying Israel’s hands behind its back by Biden
- … and so much more.
Reactions to the political melee vary. Some become like the ostrich who buries their head in the sand rather than helplessly watch the train derail. Others go crazy. Still others try to cope by checking social media constantly, hoping that understanding what is happening might help them feel less out-of-control.
Hey, they are all real coping mechanisms but only ONE thing effectively works – and that’s emuna in God Almighty.
Rabbi Arush calls emuna “the power to cope.” All these weighty and historical moments coming at us so fast – are suddenly taken off our shoulders. No, we don’t understand, and perhaps never will. No, we are not in control either.
But there is an Almighty God who DOES understand much more than we ever could hope to, and He is in TOTAL and ABSOLUTE CONTROL of the situation!
Phew! What a relief!
The problem of course is believing it. The Holocaust happened, pogroms have happened, Simchat Torah (Oct. 7) happened – great that Hashem is in control, but it doesn’t make it pretty.
That’s where Rabbi Arush has recently reminded us that the most important thing right now is simply praying and asking Hashem in our own words to give us simple emuna. Ein od milvado – there is ONLY God, Who loves us like an only child, and Who feels the pain right with us in our suffering. Everything, down to the tiniest detail, is planned perfectly for our ultimate and spiritual good.
So, who will be President instead of Biden? The ultimate and final vote goes to God Himself, Who will steer America and its leaders exactly where He wants. I hope it’s openly sweet and clearly good. But no matter what, it will push the Jewish people and the world one step closer to its ultimate rectification and redemption.
Rabbi Arush: Rebbe Nachman says that when the Jewish people will have simple emuna in Hashem, Mashiach will come. Nu, what are you waiting for?
Rachel Avrahami grew up in Los Angeles, CA, USA in a far-off valley where she was one of only a handful of Jews in a public high school of thousands. She found Hashem in the urban jungle of the university. Rachel was privileged to read one of the first copies of The Garden of Emuna in English, and the rest, as they say, is history. She made Aliyah and immediately began working at Breslev Israel.
Rachel is now the Editor of Breslev Israel’s English website. She welcomes questions, comments, articles, and personal stories to her email: rachel.avrahami@breslev.co.il.
The “evangelical relationship with Israel” has been quite spiritually destructive to Jews because of their overt and covert missionary work to bring Jews to Christianity. We see this devastation so clearly here in Eretz Yisrael.
Yes, let’s pray that they do teshuva and that all Jews who got caught in the Christian web of idol worship return to the G-d of Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaakov alone.
I am voting Trump, G-d willing, in the upcoming American elections, although I haven’t voted in US elections in 20 years and previously voted Democrat.
It’s interesting that there is a sense of existential crisis in the American right, and some evangelicals have come out and said they feel the salvation of the country deoends on their relationship with Israel.
Maybe if Edom repents, they won’t be punished as harshly. Europe, for now, seems like a lost cause.