War on Pleasure
Don't be politically correct, the sterilization of the spirit. Get ticked off at the lowlifes in this world pushing every type of sensual drug to numb our spirits…
It started in Egypt, quickly found its way to Greece. From there it continued to Rome, then Europe, and eventually America.
It's the forces of physical pleasure, commanded by the Satan himself. It's the images we see on billboards. It's the songs we hear, the television shows we see. It's all over the internet. It's backed up by the political and philosophical dogmas of the day that say what feels good is good.
What originates in Hollywood has spread like a virus to the four corners of the earth. It has breached the barriers of our soul to torment our senses relentlessly.
We can't last more than a handful of minutes before there is a raunchy suggestion for us to do something to anger G-d just so that we have pleasure and satiate our bodily desire.
There is no rest. No breather. No time out.
Even as our resolve is eroded to the nub, the forces of pleasure just get stronger. With each new technology, hedonistic fad, or celebrity saying it's all right, they gain more momentum.
Rebbe Nachman teaches that everything physical in this world is a reflection of something happening in the spiritual world.
Israel is in a constant state of war. There is no rest for the Jewish State. Even in a calm year, thousands of attempts are made by terrorists to destroy us.
This is exactly the battle all of us face. Each and every one of us is in a constant state of battle. The enemies of Israel want to destroy us physically. Your adversary is worse: The forces of pleasure want to destroy you spiritually. They want to rob you of your eternity.
The same battle our forefathers waged against Egypt, Greece, and Rome is what we face today.
How do we fight?
1. Get excited! We are challenging the greatest darkness the universe has ever faced, and Hashem tasked us to do it. He brought us into the game when there are 12 seconds left, telling us to take the ball down the field and shoot the winning basket. What a vote of confidence from the King of all kings!
2. Get angry. Don't be politically correct. Get ticked off at the lowlifes in this world pushing every type of sensual drug to numb our spirits and deprive us of our humanity. Call out a pig. Recognize the enemies of mankind as animals and savages. It's not racist. There are so many good Asians, blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, even Arabs who are fighting alongside us to bring Hashem into this world. They are our brothers, united in flesh, blood, and spirit.
Those who act to belittle Hashem and everything He stands for are barbarians destined to watch us dance with Moshiach as reincarnated cockroaches.
3. Have faith. Hashem knew that there would be a time like this where the Satan would sit by all the controls. Even today's world is part of His vision. It's not up to you take control, or even change it. Your job is to accept that today is the way G-d wants it, and to do your best to fight with determination to hold His Commandments.
Even though the forces of pleasure hold all the money, political power, and channels of communication, making the good people seem like they are losing, we know how it all ends. Every good act in the defiance of this fake world is an act of great faith.
4. SING! DANCE! Even today, for every evil there is countless good! The birds, flowers, a parent, sibling, spouse, child, friend, or someone who needs our help are all one of an infinite number of blessings that Hashem sends today and every today going forward.
These are blessings that nobody can take away from us. If you have a hard time seeing it, dance for no reason whatsoever. Thank Hashem for all the bad you see. Everything bad is merely a semi-transparent backdrop of black that makes the white stand out all the more. Darkness is just a spice to enhance the flavor of the light we bring to the world with our joy.
Thank Him for it and He will open your eyes.
5. Don't give up! You are on the frontlines of the greatest battle of all time. Beg Hashem for strength. Gird your loins. Learn as much Torah as you can to reinforce your soul, and by G-d keep fighting.
It's like First World War. Right until the end the Germans were pounding the Allied forces mercilessly. One day, quite unexpectedly, the Germans ran out of supplies and manpower. Even though they fought like the strongest power in Europe right until November 1918, in a matter of days their bubble burst. Their downfall was instant.
It's exactly like the end of our slavery in Egypt. In an instant Hashem crushed them and redeemed us.
Our Germany of today is in the same position. From the outside it looks like they are stronger and can go on forever. What we don't see is that they are at the end of their rope, and very soon they will collapse.
Every minute you fight the forces of darkness, sin, depression and despair — you are bringing all mankind closer to our ultimate finish line. All it takes is one small step, one more deed, one last thrust forward in the face of the unprecedented adversity of pleasure and your determination will be what makes the difference.
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David Ben Horin developed http://www.abetterlifeinisrael.com/, a 5-hour, 20-video series which gives you day to day guidance on How to Enjoy a Better Life in Israel.
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